Mey 23, 1945. President G. W. Diener, ; Central Missouri State Teachers a Warrensburg, iissouri. Dear President Diemer: sateehtaen hth: il Aid iad Segetnlw' vp George W. Diemer, Jr. It is a. lovely thing, and I prise it most. highly. As I iil ieee this memorial su Mente ten Nac Mo te days when you and Jessie were in Excelsior Springs and Louie Menge, I believe, was your coach. ‘hat a kaleidoscopic chain of events! A story of a lifetime is told in so few words. ‘I ran eoross something the other day that I liked very much, and I trust that you and Jessie will. "fo the curbstone lad we said, “What is it?" He said, "Vy kite". We said, "Where?" - | ' He said, "Up there in that cloud." We said, “io.” He said, "Take the string and feel it pull.” f To us a thread of life is snapped, and yet we feol it pull, Ths fraim form in simple garb is at rest. The widening work goes on. In it the man yet lives and is and will be of the everlasting in all the. ages. * Very sincerely yours, | | Director of Physioal Zducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.