September 29, 1944. Major E. B. DeGroot, Jr., Headquarters Fourth Air Force, Office of Physical Training Officer, 180 New Montgomery Street, San Franciseo 6, California. Dear Burt: When your letter arrived I gave Barl Barney, the sports writer on the Kansan, some information on you and I see that he printed it. I am sending you the Kansan which will give you the information congerning Major EB. B. DeGroot | and his family. I am also sending you a tear sheet from the Des Moines Register which happened to be on my desk. This is about the coaching school at Boone, Iowa. I do not know where they got this cut of me unless it was when I was some young shrinking violet and somebody had presented me with a bunch of posies! With all good wishes, I an Very cordially yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc e