HEADQUARTERS FOURTH AIR FORCE Office of the Physical Training Officer 180 New Montgomery Street San Franciseo 6, California 12 September 1944. Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawiene, Kansas Dear Doc: This letter is months over-due, and I am thoroughly ashamed that I haven't written sooner. The work on this job seems to increase pro- _ gressively each month, however, and I have very little time for personal _ affairs and correspondence. Thanks very much for keeping me on the mailing list for ‘| "Rebounds". You really out-did yourself in the last few issues. You have @ wonderful idea in this letter, and I am sure that the men overseas appreciate it greatly. It has been very interesting to me to follow all these boys through their military careers since leaving the University. \ whe "Rebounds", too, is the only contact I now have with the University. Very few KU men seem to find their way into this Air Force. You may be interested in two former physical ed majors that we obtained for this Air Force, however, both of whom have performed very well. Bill Arnold was a sergeant in physical training at one of our bases near Fresno. He did such an outstanding job that we sent him to OCS and he is now a second lieutenant somewhere in the Middle West. lst Lt. George Stapleton we obtained by requesting his transfer from Florida. He is now base physical training officer at Walla Walla Army Air Wield, in the state of Washington. He is doing a swell job up there keeping our bomber personnel in shape to bomb Tokyo and Berlin. It was a great surprise and pleasure to see Chancellor Mallot a couple of weeks ago in the Officers’ Mess at this headquarters. I didn't know that he was connected with the air force in any way and he had forgot- ten that it was the Fourth Air Force in which I served. We discussed KU and Lawrence, of course, at some length. : I was able to get down to Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago and saw Dud make his debut into pro-football coaching when he played our Fourth Air Force football team in Los Angeles. We should have beaten him decisively but he capitalized on the breaks. I was happy for Dud to see him win his initial game, and it has been good to follow his success in all his succeeding wins. I certainly hope he can win the National Champi- onship in his first year. Many educators, of course, have raised their eyebrows at a Phi Beta Kappa and an outstanding physical educator going into the tainted ranks of professional athletics! The National Pro as \