\ i ae : April 27, 1945. Mr. Acs O- Duer, pu Physioal Education Department, George Pepperdine College, 1121 West 79th Street, Dear Priend Duor: I was glad to see you and have a visit with you in _ Denver. It was very enjoyable, I assure you. I received a letter from Henry Iba this morning © suggesting that he and I play in Kenses City. Y told him that Kansas was tinte conference in which the eligibility had not been as free as some other schools in, other conferences, and since we do not go out and get athletes es some other teams do, I fear _ ‘that we will have to stay in our own neighborhood, so to speak. After the war doubtless eligibility rules will be re- _laxed somewhat and we will be able to got some of the boys who have the later ideas in regard to athletics. bs ee Mt was good to break bread with you in Denver. Sincerely yours, | - Direotor of Physical Education, PCA AH a Varsity Basketball Coash.