Yay 2, 1945. President ¢. We Deiner, Central Missouri State. Toachers collece, : Warrensburg, Missouri. : Dear Yresident Dei ner: When I was at the University of Missourl last ee el varsity basketball team I met Mrs. Robert I. Simpson, whom I have known nis denn nian Siena Coach Simpson was the world's chasapion high hurdler and an oute standing student at the University of Missouri in the twenties. Ne is at the present time a captain in the Arty, now in Germany, but recently intimated the possibility of Pacific area duty. Captain Simpson coached track at the University of Missouri ant Towa State College be- fore going to Europe es track coach for one of the Buropean nations | prior to their entering the Olympic Games, While there Mr. iitler teok over, and he was interned for quite some time, but ister escaped and entered the United States Army. Mra. Simpson asked me regarding the deanship for women at your college. She was not sure vhether the position was open at the present time. I told lira. Simpson that I Imew you and that [ would write and - find out. I believe tirs. Simpson is eminently well qualified. She has a family of her om, having om son in the service with a pending eppoint- ment to West Point, and a married daughter. At the present time Mrs. ee ae wr ae tice ee If you are inter- ested I would bé very happy to have Mrs. Simpson weite you. Her residence at the present time ia in Columbia, Missouri. remenber me to your good wife? then Mrs. Malott conn hoak: Even & WAdht et at Warrensburg with the Cheneellor she told us how universally loved you two poopaé are by the Warrensburg students. Please remember me most kindly to my colleagues who are still on the faculty at — ¢ Wishing you and yours the very best, I en Sincerely yours, ee | ? ‘Diyeotor of Physical Education, FGA:AH 7 Varsity Basketball Coach.