Vin. No. II MARCH 16, 1945 DENVER HOLDS NATIONAL A.A.U. Denver Jaycees Win State Awards Jaycee 1944, Clean Up, Paint Up Campaign, under the direction of Mike Milligan, won the State City Beantification Award for Denver. Work contributed by George Siener, Chairman Bond Badgley and the Safety Committee (send in names and we will print them) brought back the Safety Committee Award for another year. Perennial Hyman Goodstein with the Youth Welfare Committee came thru the 4th (FOURTH) consecu- tive time for Denver. Let’s begin now to prepare these projects for the National Awards in June. There are several factors pertain- ing to state awards which should be clarified. Perhaps thruout the com- ing year, handling of these awards may be greatly simplified. Let’s have your ideas to present to the State Executive Vice President. BASKETBALL TOURNEY Annual Jaycee Basketball party sets the scene for Tuesday, March 20, 1945, 12:10 P.M., back at the Chamber of Commerce Dining Room. MARK SCHREIBER will be Master of Ceremonies, perhaps accom- panied by BILL STERN. Tuesday, March 20th, 12:10 P.M. Be prompt. Bring that friend. We N. Greim, Lou Wilke, Jay Ambrose, Bud Browning, Chet Nelson, Frank Haraway, Jack McCracken, Captain Charles Hyatt, Captain Willis Smith, Major Juan Reid, Captain Jack Whalen, Captain Bill Schmitz, J. Lyman Bingham, and Boots Adams are all invited to attend the meeting. DENVER PROMOTES STATE PREXY Denver Jaycees came thru with a successful campaign. E. N. “Red” Holladay is now the Colorado State Jaycee President. The State Secretary must also come from the same chapter as the president, Denver's own Carroll “Mike” Milligan will hold forth in the secretarial chambers. We now have the long and short of it as it were. Here are two fine fellows who are cavable of doing the best job of any of the State Officers yet elected. Plans are being made for Denver’s directors to meet with Holladav and Milligan three or four times during the year to participate in local and state Jaycee problems. A state-wide membership campaign could well be a theme for the com- ing year. There are too few cities in Colorado represented in the Jaycees. A large representation would well compensate the state organization. Denver is back of you 100% “Red” and let us know. ‘WANTED ATTENDANCE PRIZES Why doesn’t some smart Denver The following Attendance Prizes Jaycee dream up a radio program’ will be given at Tuesday’s Member- for Sunday A.M. entitling a few con- ship Luncheon. valescent soldiers to phone home? Two pair of tickets to the Orpheum Bet you could get cooperation for Theatre. See “Belle of the Yukon” same. with Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee, Dinah Shore and Bob Burns. Given by MARK ALLING. Two pair of tickets to the Denham Theatre. See “Practically Yours,” with Claudette Colbert and Fred Mc- Murray. Penfold Production Booms Congratulations Kenny and Mrs. Penfold, for seeing to it that the BIRTHDAYS Harold T. Beckev....................... Ist Carroll S. Milligan.............. 5th Robley? Dude 225s 2 5th Gerson B: Radetsky....._... 8th Dr: Lloyd: Norio... 9th Royal lewis SS 19th Dick= tones ee 19th Abe ROSH noe 19th Leonard Pearson..... TSE CG“ David Gosner. 6. 3 24th Alston McCarty, Jr... 24th Rassell Leven. 32a: 25th Denver Junior Chamber will have another Penfold in the organization. The latest one is Lawrence Arthur who was born on February 8th. One case of Tivoli beer; given by WALT JUNGHAENE. One carton of cigarettes; given by TED KOEHLER. Ph keer FR Wee is aie a”