MANHATTAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL H. H. Bishop, Principal MANHATTAN, KANSAS April 5, 1945 Drs Fe C. Allen, Dept. of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I have been slow in writing you and thanking you personally for coming out to Manhattan. 1 was sorry the program did not give you more time to talk but I think you understand that youngsters don't always get things just exactly right and we believe rather strongly in letting them make their own mistakes and run their own show. I have had it in mind fer a number of years to ask you to ce come oute I want to tell you that the youngsters were mightil impressed with what you had to say and are still talfing about it. It is my feeling that we could do quite a lot to improve the athletic relations between the University and K-State by working on our own youngsters and graduates, 65 percent of whom go to K-State. In time they could be a big influence for better sports smanship at K-State. Thanks again for coming, give my rega o-Henry Shenk,