Merch 5, 1945. Mr. Duke DtAmbra, D'Ambra Photo Service, 644 Massamhusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Duke: | I received your bill for your photo service to the basketball — squad. First, I want to thank you for the very excellent picture you have mde. I think it is one of the best we have ever had taken. The faces are so clear that I honestly believe everyone of the subjects are, intensely pleased with their own individual photograph. I am passing on the bill to Mr. Easl Falkenstien, who will see that you are promptly remitted. I checked with the boys and stressed the importante of their getting the pictures, knowing with what diffioulty you are able to get print or any photograph paper at the present time. TI will have Mra. Hulteen explain to the boys your problem. Suppose we just wait until your supply is exhausted, and then for the others we will let the boys put up their money and leave their orders and you make them up as they come. | I know that we here in the Athletic Association shall want two. Upon second consideration, if agreeable to you, I will call for those two and you add that on this bill and it will save an additional check from the Athletic Association. Some time when I am down town I will eall for them. We will take two of the 20, and let the boys as they put up their money. I assure you your letter was very happily received, and I shall be glad at any time to call upon you when we want some first class artistry. Sincerely yours, : Direotor of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.