=Z2e it, through some force, was caused to return it. We do a good deal of talking about juvenile delinquency, but most of it, I fear, is talking because the very boys who want to play and who spend their time on good clean sport are shut out of the opportunity which they, should normally enjoy in an enlightened community like ours. was € do my part, but f feel that it was more than my share - but I did it for the boys. I hope something can be done to let some of the other citizens who really believe in the boys' program do their share. | Very sincerely yours, | | Director of Physical Education, ome Varsity Basketball Coach. N -P.S. When the checks are mde out you can either mail them personally to the boys, or send them in care of the Physical Education Department at the University, and we will see that they get them, I might say > that they did a swell job. P.C.Ae