June 6, 1945. Mr. He Me Dawday, Director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1001 Harrison Street, : i Topeka, Kansas. Dear Friend Davdy: a Thanks for your letter of the 22nd ultimo regarding Tra Ae Jones' interest in the proposed position of Commissioner of Athletics for the Big Six Conference. | That will be the faculty representatives' and directors’ job to pick that man when and if they do it. I am not sure that they will do it this year, but you know Ernie Quigley pretty well end I would suggest that you just write him directly and sell Ira Jones to Ernie. 3 : I remember Ire very well and I would be glad to help him in any way possible, but that is just one of the jobs that I would prefer net to have any say in it. And sinoe I haven't any authority in the seleotion of the individual, I think Ernie : Quigley would be the one for you to contact. ) Very sincerely yours, : 4 ) Direstor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH. 7 | Varsity Basketball Coach.