Jenuary 15, 1945. Pfo. John Deichmuann, 39724346, Co. B, 383 Inf. Regt., APO 89, Camp Butmer, Ne Ce * Dear John: — - Your dad gent mo the all~Kansas team that you picked, and I think it would be a dandy. Tus Ackerman at center, and guards Paul Endacott and Charlie Black, would be a perfect pair, although Fred Pralle and a lot of other Kansas men would be right in there. - . Al Peterson at one forward, together with Charlie Black, the second (the Charlie Black who is now flying a big ship in Italy and who finished only two years of his competition ending in 1942) would be a whale of a team. Charlie is 6 ft. 3 in., and weighs 220 lbs., end he is like a big boboat. I know you would enjoy seeing him play —a. fit into this combination that you have se ted. i trust that things are going well with you. With all good wishes for your health, happiness and safe return, I an Sincerely yours, | / Director of Physical Rducation, FCA :AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.