ee OO Gs, ) A fa) eo eee oe df é 4 h Zio fle G fy a | Ow Pee, SR Lawrence 7 | : i Kansas , x 7 ; : ‘ % é ce 4 e : } / f . a hj 1 LF ABOUT HEAW@? u THE DOUGLAS COUNTY HEALTH UNIT, City Hall, Massachusetts Street, at lith, functions daily from 8:00 A. M, to 5:00 P. M. Come in and tell us your troubles, Warning SPRING FEVER is just around.the corner. Watch your step. Do not let your mind wander. You may find yourself married before you know it, IMMUNIZATIONS © WE'D like to believe that all evil is on the way out. Ina sense it ig. On the other hand, the general evolution of things is constantly bringing into view new evils or new aspects of evil, that we had not formerly recognized. So, constent vigilance and continuous effort are required to keep us relatively up These general obser- vations apply to the health situation as neatly as though they were made for it. hature itseif seems interested and persistant in "pur- ging” those less fit, but its methods, while admittedly effective, aré erude end expensive. CONSIDER G)ALL POX. Nature will give you almost a life time immunity Oy having it once, but at a cost in lives, up to forty percent of these so inmunized, of painful illness of eround three days for each immuno, and an everage loss of time--fourteen to twenty days. You ean dDpy a satisfactory immunity in any doctor's office for a dollar or two and a negligible illness of a day or two. This man made pre- tection does not lest so long as the other and should be renewed avery rew years, Why dontt you do it? THINK OF DIPTHERIA, It was formerly the great killer of children, Lawrence once had an epidemic of around two-hundred cases in a Quarter ofa year or so and many children died. Under better methods of treatment as now attainéd, more would survive, but under the present day prectice of immunizing, practically no one ever gets ill with it. Your physician will probably charge you around five dollars for such immunizing end you should begin it when baby is about a half year old. TYPHOID FEVER and the pseretyphoids should be rientione-. Formerly called “traveler's disease", it wae the scourge of adolescents end young adults. £8 soon as one beea me old enough to move a little out of his home he was sure to be exposed to it. Sometimes it was brought to him at home. It usually killed more soldiers than the enemy did. All differant now. Improved sanitation helps amazingly, but the bacterial vaccination is probably the mest important factor in the improvement, It is usually done in three doses, has a high efficeincy for four or five years, and should be repeated about that often or a "booster" dose may be fiven each year, IF THE SICK would sequester themselves a little and the well would stey away from thom whon they could as woil as not, wo would develope a sort of community lcssconing of discasc thet would make a nice show- ing in both morbidity end mortality. roports. A, CHILD SUFFERS AND RECOVERS - PARTIALLY A friendly but lonesome little girl was liiking on as her school- mates were rocoiving immunization treatments. Her parents had not consented to any troatments for hor. She wes hurt, depressed and chagrined because her paronts sesmed less interested and less inform- ed than other paronts. Sho was near tears, when her face suddenly brightened with a comforting momory,-she said "My daddy vaccinates — his pigs". PNEUMONIA vs TUBERCULOSIS NOT so long ago pneumonis was the most consistently fatal of all the commoncr diseases. It killed about one in five of all roported or recognized cases. With more practical knowledge of it and improved methods of combatting it, the mortality is now around one in twenty- five, It is still a serious matter but is not the paralyzing scourge it once was, TUBERCULOSIS, in some respects, is more to be feared then pneumonia, The tendency to get well of itself is probably less than in pneumonia, It is definitely more insidious and does not make its presence known for months, maybee years--not until it is well established and is about ready to "take over", Reeovery, when it occurs, requires about rifty times as much time i.e. pneumonia recovers in two or three wecks, but tuberculosis takes two or three years. Pneumonia, rather rarely, passes itself on to other members of the family or to the attendants whereas tuberculosis nearly always does, While pneumonia Olazons its presence from the house top, as it were, tubereulosis skulks aoout in the darker parts of the house and surrepticiously fastens itself on the feebler mombers of the family. Pneumonia is obvious but tuberculosis will be found only by careful scarching, SUCH SEARCHING may be done in any one of several different ways: the history, the clinical: Symptons, and the physical oxaminations are scldom considered before the patient is noticably ill and are, there-— fore, liko "arriving too late with too little", Several tests can bo made with tuberculin, i.e. by putting it in the oye, by putting it on the skin (several different methods) or by putting it in the Skir. Many quelified men belicve the X-Ray examination is the most vractical of all methods for the early finding of tuberculosis. NEXT MONTH wo expect to have a team with proper X-Ray apparatus to makc photopluorographic ($63.00 Word) examinations in a mass way in this county 1. We should like to sce all public or commercial food handlers, 2. We should like to soe all T. B. Suspects. 5S. We should like to sce all known T. B. contacts, 4. All toachers should be cxemined. SEE May number of KNOW for fuller information, ERT TT NTT NE MITRE | MERRILL B. SANDS, President + T. H. BEARD. Vice President + C. E. HALLENBORG. Vice President » H. F. JOPP. Secretary Treasurer » PAUL APPENZELLAR. Chairman of the Board DICTAPHONE CORPORATION MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF Dictaphone DICTATING MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES 420 LEXINGTON AVENUE. NEW YORK « TELEPHONE: LEXINGTON 2-3700 March 17, 1944 ir. F.C. Allen, Director of Athletics, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas Dedr Mr. Allen: For several years we have been offering our friends a colorful chart showing the trend of business over a 100-year period. A new chart has been prepared for 1944 which traces post war trends from 1775 to date. I+ shows the periods of uncertainty, recovery, primary depression and prosperity following each war. The 1944 chart also indicates the trend of the Federal Debt, the National Income, Business Activity, Stocks and Bonds, and Cost of Living over the same period. Because of the widespread interest in post war planning, we believe this new chart will prove of interest in studying the history of business before, during and after other wars, What shapes the peaks and valleys will take in the months following the present war cannot be forecast with certainty but the chart will show what took place in previous years. If you would like to have a copy of this chart just mail the enclosed reply card and one will be mailed to you promptly. La very truly, ft CEH:rh ice President DICTATED TO THE DICTAPHONE B-69 MADE IN U.S.A. March 2l, 1944. Mre Dudley DeGroot, 83 Thackeray Road, Rochester, New York. Dear Duds } fT ics Sle: ke Gables we Sa es & ate Thanks BOE. ¢ Lagelbeeag: Reig meedbaltiny Seog compen —adethy You certainly wrote an interesting epistle condensed in a few lines. I am glad oe ee ee SA's: aRES Jee Ss ke samen vomminail Gidea. ts wcabiavihaw stan gun eel ball. I imagine the big boys are willing to pay more than the college authorities are, or perhaps you can work them both. Ls Mrs. Alien hears from Ruth and Bert occasionally. Ruth and Bert came very near coming our way and stopping for a visit. Ruth - would have stayed two weeks while Bert was carrying on with some of his work in another seotion. Mra. Allen is pretty homesick for Calif- ornia. She wants to go back and enjoy the sunshine, friends and all that goes with California oline and society. . We are all hoping for this thing to be over with so that we oan get back to the old American way of life. I certainly agree with ‘yOu that heavy programs, discipline and drill kill the intercollegiate enthusiasm that we had in pre-war days. — Mra. Allen is well and she is counting on a visit from our youngest married daughter, Eleanor, who is coming from Philadelphia goon. Bobby, a senior in the medical school at Pennsylvmia, will game home in about thirty days to be married to a Topeka girl, and then Mary and the kiddies are coming some time about June. So the | old place at 801 Louisiana will take on the semblance of young life again. I trust that you and your family are-well. Please remenber me most kindly to then. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | . Director of Physical marepipmeei: POCA: AH oe Bagketball Coach. 83 Thackeray Rd. Rochester, N.Y. Jan.9,1¥44. Dear Phog: Your handsome profile appeared in & tone- spicuous spot on our locéli sport sueet tnis morn- ing and I realized I had not sent the Aliens a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year - so here it is, together with the clipping. Head hoped to see your daughter and her family and Burt and Ruth this Xmes,as a member of the East coaching staff,but at the very last minute they decidec they couidnt spare me from our local V-12 unit.It was a great disappointment to both Alice and me for we had counted on it all fall. Hear from Burt occassionally-now a Major.He was back here in the fall for six weeks but was not able to get time enough to run up here *rem Was’. so we didnt see him. Despite war restrictions tasketball is still carrying on in this regien,aitho I must admit the calibre of play is way off.Thanks to your recom- mendation,Ase Bushnell has assigned me a number of the past two years,especiall¥Y at Cornell.Teis vear wity Syracuse out of the picture I am not working as many games as usuai-altho I have been assigned all of the tough ones. we have about s00 Marine and Navy boys at UR and while we are glad to have them there is hardly the same spirit and enthusiasm for athletics as during normal times.The kids are so harrassed with heavy progrems,discipline and drill that they lack the enthusiasm for good competition. Suppose it is the same everyvwhere.Kindest regards to all the Allens from all of the DeGroots. a ve) Phooie, Says Dr. Allen To Eastern Basketball Co CITY, Mo. — (UP) — Basketball, Dr. Forrest Oo. (Phog) Allen said last night, belongs to the West, and if the ‘‘half-baked, toady lot’’ of Eastern. teams. want to come out, he’ll prove it to them. The volatile Allen, whose Kansas Uni- versity quintets dominate the Big Six Con- ference, almost any year, said he’d even turn promoter if it would get the East teams into’ his bailiwick, He’s made tentative arrangements with the director of the Kansas City -Municipal Auditorium and he’s all ready to play in St. Louis and Chicago, too, he said. All he needs is a few eastern outfits to accept his challenge. : ““Kvery year,” he said, ‘‘some of our Pern teams have gone out there and played those ALLEN boys on their own courts and with their own officials and we've beat them repeatedly. But this half-baked, “on lot still don’t realize it. . “Why, last year they came sldne with a aed short ealling St. Johns University the king of the court, And after Pebruary 18, 1944. Mr. Don Ce Hinkneyer, Concordia Teachers College, 7400 Auguste Street, River Porest, Illinois. Dear Mr. Dinknueyer: I have your inquiry about "My Basketball Bible", which is ne longer in print. I do not know of any copies that might However, I have written a mich newer and more complete text avtitied "Better Basketball". whi which I believe you would find more up-to-date than the other book. I am en- closing some descriptive material so that you may know something of the contents of "Better Basketball. "Better Basketball” is published by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, of New York, and is available at most book stores and sporting goods firms. It sells for $4.00. If you should desire an autographed copy I would be very happy to send you one postpaid on receipt of your cheek or money order for $4.00. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Sducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS } FC Atke ee IVa used Gu Kenee Nanivg ec Deas Sie Tien Fikeig Dap 2-19.44 hes Send me re : A, VP whiel 24. Lea aA 1s No hewg, IN \PRINYT OR ADosse wW kee, @ oT > Lz Vee Q46VAr7ESN « Yeeee ; Te Coren eC REY” Cochens Alege 7 #00 GUSra dreeey VV VE Soreesr 22 b£Lee os i ' it gement of ould spoil sty. ar not think up ent in w ra Brown did & blown- iss the th M tory sfac because ro 3 oC S baa 8D rd - hon be mor e clo 8 will bd i ¥ the ea and a. Boas I am en bd e Nees 6.e n ould ‘Dear P ay Wa e TO— Dr. £.@ A lle NM. Universitat Ks - Aawrenee Hawsas. MAYFIELD HIGH SCHOOL S. W. DOUTHITT, Principal MAYFIELD, KY. CG. Allen Kansas ag - Coach ee University of LAWreNnce , ‘Kans Dear doach Allen: ml I note that in your last book on basketball you refer to a film on the fundamentals of basketball. I would like very much. to know who owns the film and whether there is rental service on it. I am enclosing 2 self-addressed card for your reply. I will a&ppre- ciate the information very much, Very 7 truly tT F JUPS, for the East to visit to California to visit Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. PCA:AH & et a MR IE i thei E eT RT OE ‘ = : é : cae eae opr teen de ee ae eee 6 °9T bee al OOSIRE IS 1 = pA eLOZG HOY. OVEa Ge bal CG iiLw & s s 2 i > * tes * : aoe “ saroy To eteo eel -».ebmeixi Geax soy of woy + Dene Des aa 1 ,@etieiw Boog Ile aii However, I do want to teli you that Mrs. Allen is but the heat in the last f is down a wonderful July, not a single day above 97 and many of then It had rained and the weather was tettsoubl [eoiegit force arrive Sag ts ae a eae inte eee eco a Ae Fp en ae ee ee GN een CRS gs z : ite 3 mi ;: i: af daew ob I .tevesoll eyab wet geal ext ai feed exit tid yb olgaie « ton .ylul Lyinebaow a saw secdsew eff bos beniet bai SI ad > ce en © ones = | | eb y wigs ~onad egacidd eit ge won tel vedhedge? suoda of IA - ai domadusge «ied bra aesald Gol et ed £1t so ee the yt BES na aE: 1 ah ‘: cate He Mh ag rahi ita : Ww