Pebruary 18, 1944. Mr. Don Ce Hinkneyer, Concordia Teachers College, 7400 Auguste Street, River Porest, Illinois. Dear Mr. Dinknueyer: I have your inquiry about "My Basketball Bible", which is ne longer in print. I do not know of any copies that might However, I have written a mich newer and more complete text avtitied "Better Basketball". whi which I believe you would find more up-to-date than the other book. I am en- closing some descriptive material so that you may know something of the contents of "Better Basketball. "Better Basketball” is published by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, of New York, and is available at most book stores and sporting goods firms. It sells for $4.00. If you should desire an autographed copy I would be very happy to send you one postpaid on receipt of your cheek or money order for $4.00. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Sducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball coach.