March 15, 1944. Mesers. Bruce Drake and Harold Keith, Oklahoma Pieldhouse, Horman, Oklahoma. Dear Bruce and Harold: I find that I never have formally thanked you for the fine article that you wrote in the Saturday Evening Post. ee ee ee deeply appreciate then. If at any time I oan be of any service in any way to either of you very fine gentilenen, please command me. I enjoy your friendship and companionship, much. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Lawrence Public Schools CLIFFORD D. DEAN, SUPERINTENDENT Gaorence, Kansas March 8, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, President Lawrence Rotary Club Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Lawrence Recreation Council met last evening to discuss the possibility of expanding the local recreation program for young people to include a "Youth Center". Considerable planning’ and organization has been done as a preliminary to the selection and equipping of a building and inauguration of the project. It seems that the next step is the matter of planning and carrying out a financial campaign to underwrite the expenses of getting a building ready, equipping it and defraying the running expenses for the first year. Various plans for raising the money were discussed and it was finally de- cided that the presidents of the following named groups would form an executive committee to organize a financial campaign and be responsible for collecting funds. It was the wish of the Council that the presidents of the selected organizations might serve on the financial committee, but you may wish to delegate someone from your group to act in that capacity if you find it impossible to serve. e The eight organizations selected were as follows; American Legion Kiwanis Club American Association of Unive Women P.TeA- Council Business and Professional Women Rotary Club Cooperative Club Soroptomist Club An organization meeting of this group will be called in the near future. Will you please let me know whether you find it possible to serve on the committee or give me the name of your representative who will serve for your organization. Very cordially yours, Clifford D. Dean, President Lawrence Recreation Council CDD :w 44-3216 ati 51 ES i la Aad la March 24, 1944. Nr. Bradford M. Kingman, Pembroke-Country Day School, Ward Parkway at Slat Street, Kensas City 2, Mizsouri. Dear Mr. Kingman: 3 Thank you for your explanatory letter. I can quite understand why you made the selestion that you did. I would have done exactly the same as you did, especially should a young man with qualifications happen into my place. And I would sign him up double quick if I was in need of a man as you were. Cf George Dick has been tied up pretty definitely here \ \_ and has had no oppertunity as yet to go in to see you. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. PEMBROKE-COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL WARD PARKWAY AT FIFTY-FIRST STREET KANSAS CITY’ 2, MISSOURI March 235, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen | , Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: Thank you for your recent letter, and I also appreciate the information about George Vick, which you sent to Ralph Wedin. I had heard nothing from Mr. Dick directly, and quite unexpectedly aman came into my office one day, looking for a position in this field, and 1 have already hired him for the coming year. He is a man with experience similar to that of Mr. Dick and was one of those eliminated from the department of phys- ical education at Kansas State University, when they did away with the A.S.T.P. program there. I do want you to know that we ap- preciate the interest which you have taken in this matter and that I did not have an opportunity to talk with George Dick before making this decision. Cordially, BMK/dl dictated 3/22 W. M. RICHARDS SUPERINTENDENT EMPORIA KANSAS December 17, 1943 Dre Forrest Ce Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allens I thank you very much for your prompt reply to my letter and for the good news which it containede We should be very happy to have George Dick's applicatione We have not made a definite decision on our salary schedule for next yeare I am sure we shall have to make some rather drastic changes in our schedule in order to get the men and women we desiree In discussing this matter with Mr. Dick, I wish you would ‘set forth to him as you see it the advantages of beginning his work in Emporia. Emporia has always paid salaries as high as any city of the second class in this state. We have not made any great revision of our salary schedule since the United States entered the ware This we shall have to doe Another thing that you can point out to Mr. Dick is that this is a good school to move from after he has become experiencede It has been a part of the philosophy of my supervision to get good young men and women, help them to develop to the limits of their capacity and then to assist them to get a better jobe I think this meskes for a better school than that of keeping persons of mediocre ability on the pay roll for indefinite lengths of timee Yours truly, (a badbd We M. Richards, Supte WMR shf December 16, 1943. Er. Wi. He Richards, Superintendent of Schools, Emporia, Kansas. Dear Superintendent Richards: I em happy to advise you that we heave a young man, George Dick, who is honor captain of our football team, now a member of our varsity basketball team, and a major in Physical Education. He is graduating this year. George Dick is a fine, clean, personable and energetic young ° side Weel WM ter eae Dabbatted de ane af ar ace ee. Army at Port Leavenworth. He served until this past September n he was discharged on socount of an injured knee that he sustained maneuvers. He returned to the University this fall to finish S practice teaching for his degree. I believe that he will not his degree completed until this spring. I think he has a few hours he wants to finish here, but he would be in a position, I believe, . pt a position for next fall. we is 24 years of age, very mature dependable. He is now coaching the University High School ketball teamh as a part of his practice teaching. You could do no better if you are interested in this young man. He is a high grade young chap in every respect and I recommend him to you without reservation. I have not talked to him, but will in the next dey or 80. In my opinion he should command e very good salary because he is not the accidental type of teacher nor a youngster just getting out. Will you let me kmow whet such a position, in your opinion, would pay? I will be glad to disouss it with him. George Dick is no great bargainer, but he does realize that there will be many coaching jobs open to him this coming fall. i Hi Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. W. M. RICHARDS - SUPERINTENDENT EMPORIA KANSAS December 15, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen; We are looking for a man who has had foot ball experience and who can teach some other high school worke If you know of any one who would consider it an advancement to move from the position which he now holds to Emporia, please let me knowe An early reply will be appreciated as I should like to fill this position at either the January or February meeting of the Board of Hducatione Yours truly, : t co. Vichads We Me Richards, Supt. Mareh ®, 1944. tr. Ralph Wedin, Pembroke Country Day School, Ward Parkway at Slst Street, Kansas City 2, Hoe Dear ir. Wedin: : I as bhrewith giving you the information on George Dick, honor captain of our football team and a member of our varsity basketball team. He is graduating —— ia .- Physical Education. In March, 1943, he was inducted in the Army at Port Leaven- worth along with a number of our other basketball players. He served in the Army until this past September when he was discharged on account of an injured knee that he sustained in Army maneuvers. He returned to the University to finish his course for his degree, which will be carpleted this sumer. George Dick is a fine, clean, personable and energetic young man. He is 24 years of age, very mature and very dependable. He is a high grade young chap in every respect, and in my opinion should comand a very good salary because he is not the accidental type of teacher nor a youngster just getting out. I hope 1% will be possible for him to visit your school some time soon and see the lay-out there. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: All Varsity Basketball Coach. 3 Mareh 20, 1944. Mr. Bradford Me Kingman, Headmaster, Perbroke-Country Dey School, Ward Parkway at 5Sist Street, Kansas City 2, Mo. Dear Mr. Kingman: T have talked to George — regarding the possibility of an opening in your school. I spoke to him regarding the possibility of finding a way to visit your school some time in the near future. He told me that he had a letter from you, and I trust thet before now he has answered the same. I think it would be a fine thing if he could visit your school and see the lay-out. Very cordially yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Conch. PEMBROKRE- COUNTRY: DAY SCHOOL WARD PARKWAY AT FIFTY- FIRST STREET KANSAS CITY 2, MISSOURI March 6, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Robinson Gymnasium The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: Ralph Wedin has bold me of his conver- sation with you Friday night regarding George Dick, and the possibility that he may be in- terested in the physical education position, which will be open here in September. I am anxious to have an opportunity to talk with Mr. Dick and will be glad to come to Lawrence, if that is much more convenient for him, but hope that he may find it possible to visit Pembroke-Country Day School, in order that we may talk things over on the ground and he may have some firsthand impressions of the possibilities here. I do sincerely appreciate your interest and am anxious, as 1 imagine Mr. Wedin explained, to find a man whose in- fluence with the boys will be first rate, who likes boys of high school age and the idea of working with them. ‘The idea that he may be short on actual coaching experience is not so important as that he is anxious to do a good job and can be depended upon to work to that end. Cordially, Z2ife UH Héadmastér BMK/dal Osteber 7, 1945. A/S John Dewell, V-12, 132 8. Columbia, Chapel Hill, W. C. Dear Johnny: we mailed you one of our Jayhawk Rebounds and I trust that you have received it by now. Kirk Scott's father eosme in this morning for a visit with hig son. ee” Sues ae wae ee a about two months ago. I had not learned it. you end express to you my sincere sympathy your dad. I know that he meant so much to ; appreciate the loneliness that you feel wit However, this is the law of life, Johmy. Wo family escapes, and we all must be ready for such a tragedy. I know that your common sense and ability to take things as they come will fortify you in your philosophies. iy sincerest sympathies to you, sir. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. | ore AS. fr cl telkeef Cl LA ee LAO Be “eae Gatmrgy Ponte, A. UNITED STATES NAVY mat ime Complete Gaeras: in plata Bieca teTrers Im THe pene! Below, end your ratern eGGrecs t= the spose 1. a re ee ee ee et ee ee ae [ 4 From : iz To Dr. Forrest C. allen PFG-armand Le Dixon-17082956 | University Of Kansas : apo-954,clt3"""=™! { 03045 Lawrence, c/o Post Master _. Kansas 5 [Sender'seddress) ARMY EXAMINER San Franciseo, a a ave iS ese / GWalifornia Be t (CENSOR'S STAMP) PAPI—-A-CPA mee g aoe Thin, fille. 2 Ihe po —r AOE ds Gl wot heel — Sb ofiainit: hon July 8, 1944. Mr. Harvey W. Davis, 18 Mast Sherman St., Dear Harvey: Glad you liked the Jayhawk Rebounds, although meny of the names might not be familiar to you. We are putting your son, Bill, on our mailing list for the Rebounds, and hope that he enjoys our letters to the boys. Tam also sending him some of the back issuss - ginoe there are doubtless some boys mentioned that he will know. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. FONTRON INSURANCE AGENCY Harry Davis --- Byron AstLE 18 EAST SHERMAN STREET HUTCHINSON, KANS. July 6, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director Bhysical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"; I was very glad that you put me on your mailing list for your Jayhawk Rebounds, issue of _dJune 12th, your No. 9, the first I have seen. While the majority of the information is of boys new to me, most of them I know about. My son Bill, Lt. Hs. W. Davis, dri, got to spend one semester at K. U. He was a good high- school basketball and football player on rather mediocre teams but stacked up well in the Arkansas Valley circles. Had the Army not called him he expected to have been at least a member of your basketball try-outs in his second year. He is now located at Sheppard Field, Wichita Falis, Texas and I believe he would appreciate being on your mail- ing list. He is newly married and lives at 1600 Elizabeth, that City. I am forwarding him your No. 9 copy. With best wishes, I am Yours very truly, Hh x a citi 47) H. Ws Davis HWD: VK July 7; 1944. Mr. . He Dentel, s 2800 Beles Avenue, Kensas City 3, Mo. Dear Mr. Dentel: Your letter addressed to the University of Kansas, Office of Dr. Neismith, came to me for reply. Dr. Naismith passed amy the 28th of November, 1959. He lived to the ripe and fruitful old age of 78. Dr. Naismith came to the University of Kensas in 1898 and served a most useful administration. I can easily understand how you might have missed the notice of his passing. He was buried here in Lawrence, Kansas. ZI note your letter and what you desire to teach your students. I am sure that you will have no difficulty whatscever in finding abundant material to support you in yow lectures. I refer you to oe text, "Youth Studies Alcohol" by Harlmess and Fort, published by Benj. H. San- born and Company. This would be a very interesting text for youngsters to read. It is gotten up in a very attractive mamer that stimlates | youth's perusal of it. It is a chatty little text and carries along with a game of basketball very much as if a group of youngsters on a high school team were participating. In Chapter VIII you will find a number of coaches quoted, and an page 98 you will find my om view on the subject. I would also refer you to Broadcast No. 613 by the Kangas State Board of Health, Dr. F. P. Helm, Secretary, on “The Bffects of Alcohol", prepared for radio station XFBI. I suggest if you would go over to the public library in Kansas City you would get so much material that it would weigh you in "Better Basketball", published by McGraw-Hill and Compeny, I mention in @ great mmber of times that no boy can use alcohol and hope to be a great athlete or as great an athlete as he would want to be. Mr. Purd B. Wright put several copies of this book in the library, and I imow will find one available. In the back bo te stimulate youth's abstinence. Those stories were written with a pur- pose of building confidence in a fellow when he is down. we : § 4 If there is any thing else we can give you, wihl be glad to do so. With all good wishes, I an i Sincerely yours, Diresctor of Physical Education, POA :Al | Varsity Basketball Coach. OTTO. F. DUBACH, PRINCIPAL MARGUERITE KELLERSTRASS, REGISTRAR Cc. O. WILLIAMS, VICE-PRINCIPAL CAMILLE LAMY, CLERK MILDRED ABEL, EDuUc. COUNSELOR : CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL LINWOOD AND INDIANA KANSAS CITY, Mo. July 4, 194 ., Dr .-Naismith, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas. Dear Dr-Naismith: Information has come to me from one of the science teachers in Kansas City that you have made some studies as to the effects of smoking,and also regarding alcoholic drinks and diet,I believe,and their relation to physical and mental efficiency. I have a solid schedule in Physiclogy,Juniors and Seniors in our school and would appreciate very much your making the results of any such studies available to me.I have compiled a fairiy complete group of such studies and give them to my all-boys classes.They seem quite interested in objective,unbirsed studies, especially on this subject which touches so elicaely most of them. I am sure that all teachers in our Biology Department would be Pleased to have your studies available to them,so I will share it with them. My Master's Degree in Education was completed at K.U- in #93%-I also did about twenty undergraduate hours there.As my work was in the field of Education I naturally did not have the pleasure of working in your department and meeting you. Thanking you in advance for any help which you are able to extend in the above request,I an, Sincerely M itek L.H.Dentel. Return address, please 2000 Bales ’ K. C 3 » Mo e June 30, 1944. — Professor A, W. Davidson, Chemistry Department. Dear Professor Davidson: Tt was nice of you to write me as you. d slight eceident you had in backing out your oar. I took my car to the garage but they were not able to work on it at the time and instructed me to bring the ear in and leave it sometime when I am in town over an hour. I will do so at my earliest convenience, anc I trust that the ‘ demge will be very, very slight. d after the Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Bducation, POA :AlT . Varsity Basketball Coach. SS 5K LaGet F. ee STF HK 9 LO 5 oe a SA Ght / a Se oe Meee oe ree RA AS fo whom It Magy Concern: t donive to coment te you Weber Clem Taree, «youn, mn that T have imown sine hte boyhood. He aoe 5 ee ee ex eaten Ge Wa, cok ceed Seana an en oy eee Ne was an avtatanting athlete in both football end daskuthall at Bethany saul wom distinotion in these teo sports. I widerstand thet he e#411 has one semester before completing Ms work for his degree. : wots a ener salen Sing He has = fine tants - ip tote 6 tien waghttahions thee cnecasiig ane napbers is friends by legion. I em 2 ae hewlty on yep cg tage edhoretye- yor a as to hie ability to oe strength of his own cea Simeorely yours, Direoter of eal Sducation,