PEMBROKE-COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL WARD PARKWAY AT FIFTY-FIRST STREET KANSAS CITY’ 2, MISSOURI March 235, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen | , Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: Thank you for your recent letter, and I also appreciate the information about George Vick, which you sent to Ralph Wedin. I had heard nothing from Mr. Dick directly, and quite unexpectedly aman came into my office one day, looking for a position in this field, and 1 have already hired him for the coming year. He is a man with experience similar to that of Mr. Dick and was one of those eliminated from the department of phys- ical education at Kansas State University, when they did away with the A.S.T.P. program there. I do want you to know that we ap- preciate the interest which you have taken in this matter and that I did not have an opportunity to talk with George Dick before making this decision. Cordially, BMK/dl dictated 3/22