OTTO. F. DUBACH, PRINCIPAL MARGUERITE KELLERSTRASS, REGISTRAR Cc. O. WILLIAMS, VICE-PRINCIPAL CAMILLE LAMY, CLERK MILDRED ABEL, EDuUc. COUNSELOR : CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL LINWOOD AND INDIANA KANSAS CITY, Mo. July 4, 194 ., Dr .-Naismith, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas. Dear Dr-Naismith: Information has come to me from one of the science teachers in Kansas City that you have made some studies as to the effects of smoking,and also regarding alcoholic drinks and diet,I believe,and their relation to physical and mental efficiency. I have a solid schedule in Physiclogy,Juniors and Seniors in our school and would appreciate very much your making the results of any such studies available to me.I have compiled a fairiy complete group of such studies and give them to my all-boys classes.They seem quite interested in objective,unbirsed studies, especially on this subject which touches so elicaely most of them. I am sure that all teachers in our Biology Department would be Pleased to have your studies available to them,so I will share it with them. My Master's Degree in Education was completed at K.U- in #93%-I also did about twenty undergraduate hours there.As my work was in the field of Education I naturally did not have the pleasure of working in your department and meeting you. Thanking you in advance for any help which you are able to extend in the above request,I an, Sincerely M itek L.H.Dentel. Return address, please 2000 Bales ’ K. C 3 » Mo e