December 29 On this morning we slept Sees some a the beys continued cooing New Yorke Then, at 4:00 Pe me we left for Philadelphia. Upon our arrival we immediately went to the suartinere Field House to work out. Coach Bill Stetson of Sear tners,, and Bob Reed, editor of the Country Gentleman, met us at the train ‘ad took us to the = Field House. That night we went to our retreat at the beekih Haven Inn where we disturbed ‘the old folks during thetr ‘Sunday night musio recital. Aster cating, we hoard ‘the President's speech, and then retired. ie December 30 _ We got up about 8:50 a. me, and all wont into Philedelphia. mad Allon, rss Allen, Gul HG Lined got off at the 0th Street station, ont then went on downtown where Bob had his interview with Dre Pepper. qean of the Ghivereity of Pennsylvanis Medical School. The rest of the aye viektad Bob Peed 's office at the Curtiss Publishing Company Butlding, and visited many historic Philedelphia sights. | | All of us then met and ate lunch at the Benjamin Franklin. Then we went back to the Strath Haven Inn, went to bed, ia then prepared for our game with the Temple Owls. The game that night was extremely hard fought, wat the undefeated Owls kopt themselves uniefeated by winning, 40°35 | After the game, some more Ke Us alumi joined the team, and ell ate at Hora and Hardnart's Cafeteria. |