Probably you wonde® Way only. the Air Fores, and aot the ontire Arny, has placed trained —* education when. on, @ civil. service ane. commissioned status to aid in developing a one aed, Weeintee sees daira re the reason: The ground forces obtain a fairly high ar of ee SORRETTEN ETE thru their regular, daily —— routine, fiola aril, vend manouvors. thoy march, hike with heavy packs, ongage in dayonet and other types of porsonal ‘conbat anki2, dig, carry and build. All Whadd adbteveicd ara ) stremious and exacting aed they atrongthen and harden the men for arduous campaigns. _ (me daily duties and work of the Air Forces do — neaiwio this ‘type of ss addi GHOTeS STA, the Air Fores personnel pasde’ a aofini to and soparats program ‘of potivittes which will develop and maintain & bigh dogres of physical condition, ) Both tho ground | forces aad the air Forces pron note leisure time rocreational athletics. ane | PER eek 6 What Js te chiestive a murmese of the Air Hate Bhvaios) Training Exoarsst Tho gonoral objective, of course, te sinilar to the trainings ‘oMdactéve of all units of our ; fighting forces: To o prepare abd personnel for severe conbat eondi~ : tions. 7 : ” Bet | © sf The specific erjectives of ‘tio Ary Air Forces physical wtainine ‘programy, however, and the means used ta obtain ‘then, are some ut different than thate of : the ground forces. “Also, you must ronoiiber that the specific physical ae objectives for flying personnel are - sonownat different than those for ground ‘per- sonnel within the ae Foreos. “Yory dofinitely, tho air Foreos physics al training progoni en not att compt to asvolop athletes; it doos : not atrompt ‘to harden per= sonnel 4 in he’ way that Antentxy training doos. Tho sp? cific objoctives of =e Air Force program aot . soles’ 0 | Hors te mos) QM % bring « about ¢ a ‘condition in or officer and onlistod, man whol will aoley in 7 onset of F fatigue.