a a ‘Qireetida: physical saucetion activities; « Nieto Gilat “physical condition adequate i = Ce ‘ to péimit extonied varticipation and active Lentershin in very strenuous activi- ties; (5) apaaednannty. fier tichudare ke factors clready « nentioned: @) ninimun of thirty years - age» ; ; Men nesting “the $e qualifies shine have Siaon interviewed, at ian ac a setndilen ean to “Mie sethnna vite ‘whero abk. finest weak banante wick ‘be “a. Waothor, with the — of she Air =e we wuss be autnorized ‘additional conaissioned appointuents, Li ie ‘wai aia Wet 4a the moses of aiisieal trainins aghixitios 4n the ame Aix Zonssst The mat wea’ recommended ‘Sap use in developing. ans maintaining physical copaet hon in the any Air Forces aro. eskoates eb tis a view ais ahiuselen.s Lcd haa, gesiel ait of this nrogran. ae are seve ook vhases ak ee civisions of oi. | physical —— ee | . First, there - 2, » required rogram for onlisted personnel, | This provides that all enlisted mon will be required to participate in specified ane organized physical sachet itepsainnenans several hours per a plus daily partictoation in neil Sopichiaetar wie Close order drill ana fatigue work are “not considered to constitate physical training activities. _ sseceuslaraheki utilized enieiie: the entire eames from Loridki wes calisthenics sous running, to Bandoi Mead, “Mondo sont other toam and individual athletic games. Tho ee enphasizes that the. sctivities must be wizerdus and strenuous in natares mind @itt carer » nan met ‘be sible during the entire vhysical troining et al Susie of scheduling, planning and conduct ing the. activitios are loft 0 the Aiseretion of the Snasies Gain unit aicuciin. ae You 1 may rabies Nak: this required prograa is too indefinite in oxgent sation. — But you ‘aust Penenher. that the training ve in the drag rn Foros, is not jie ao of the so-calisa "Line" branches of the “amy. Bach ‘enti nay ond dutios a tine | = cin ‘that differ from the other iit Saanaed: ‘drahes ht ‘can aes ae seseaaied He