' Cal-.condition or enersy. mat be built ae scientific evide ence that courn:0 in footbell. 03 or + borin goarantoct courase Azainst bullets or courage, in flying an airplane? What heats ehvidditice gs. there’ that: the type of courage found in football mlayers or » oes ie superior to that™ found: Lr. trackmen, swinners or. badninton players?: There have been no ‘pelontarie: studics weds im this ficld to ny Imowledze. In contrast, the fact that has impressed me srocnb Ly is anlunaen so many of ame wiry, thinwaisted, anal)” aha! éven’ defint= Geb unataletic-apnesring 5 but vory successful combat yilots: ‘tn our ‘Air’ Porcess” . eThe type oz notivities that we are | vartiealasly advocating for our flying . ’ officers are . those (1) which will develop and naintain gencral all-arotnd‘endu- ranee.or..fitness, (2) which involve a areat as of running, (3) which strengthen the- abdgminal muscles, and (4) which cxpeal ‘to ve. partiouler interests of the! in- dividual flying officer. Wes is a reason way dash of these types of activitiés, . selected on the. basis of our original objectives Lowa ox physical condition for flying airplanes. under. Pup ak conditions), is “ndvoeated: (23 AER ii Son of, a viz som oug natures which ‘involve a ‘aii deal of rurining are selected as probably oe best type of ont Aiekhioe: i ic cai wenéral all-around ; i ts ‘ peter OR June OMeo wt oe “endurance. This. general: Auakiby of all-around | endurance in “sbsolutely essential ae he eto 4 : aN Sok Gary * odd “$q.long distance, Flying and Hong duty hours; a great reserve ‘poo ol of general: phys: tw ae RRO GE yes oe ” ahi i ’ : t re pRannines vigorous and/or extended panna nes ‘te ‘the one eee exercise for the development and nad nienange of a _ wold-funetioniag chroulétory ‘system and ros~- piratory system. Both these Baa en sienkndimes butcise sid in altitude and distance flying. All of you kmow, from your courses in physiology and physiology of exercise, that the trained state cndenerentinta functioning of the organic systems, may be obtained and maintained only thru the continued vigorous use of the big muscle systems of the body.. Therefore, we advocate lots of vigorous run- aing, in any form, for flyers. zt +.