May 31, 1943. Professor W. 4. Davis, University of Kansas. Dear Professor Davis: I am wondering if the University of Missouri violated a rule on Saturday, May 22nd, Cat a track team competed with other Missouri solleges. This, of course, was no infraction of the rule te compete against colleges, but et the same time they competed against Wentworth Military Academy, which is a junior college. I thought that the Big Six ryle prohibited any college competing ageinst an institution of lower academic rank. You rerember Maskell is a jumior college and they passed a rule that Kansas could not compete against Haskell when she was a junior college. This meet was held at Columbia, Missouri, and a Wentworth man won a certain track event from Missouri, as rummer. Doubt- less many of these Wentworth boys were of high school rank, as well as jmior college. — Perhaps a ruling has been made during the war which would permit this competition. If so, we may want to against Haskell from time to time. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to give me this information. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Versity Basketball Coach.