Z i Se ee 36546 HAL DELONGY FU C Ae _¢ 4 * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW sient si April 16, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Relative to the sweaters, I feel that your idéa of the duration, =iimeb is well taken. Keep in the saddle "old dear? You are the one to whom we look for plaudits - the Rocknes and Warners are dead. _ You, for some reason, hated Baseball, yet in your heart you still must feel for "Hal" the old thought you used once in my presence (I think at Emporia) "get on" if you want to score. Always and forever on any team of yours, I am, Yours to command, Hal DeLongy