Professor K. W. Davidson, Journalism Building. Dear Wayne: I thought a short statenont of facts might be better | that just ealling off baseball unceremoniously. The Athletic Association voted a stipend of $350.00 to carry on baseball. _ Wall, you know how much you can do with $350.00. You just can't get started for trips, equipment and so forth. However, I do believe that a baseball team in this town for the Summer Session would be a good thing. | We oould play twilight games and they would be a source of real recreation for the commmity end the school. We could play the games down here on the varsity field, end by putting up bleachers we sould have a lot of good sport. : By getting in the Sunflower Ordaance Works, Haskell, the Machinists Mates, and maybe a town team or two, and maybe the Leavenworth soldiers, we could have a real league. If you think it well, why not feature this angle since the story would be earried prominently in the Kansan and the Journal World. After all, this is the territory that this news story should appeal te. The bigger papers of course will doubtless mention that we are buying out, but I thought the attitude of Dixon and Bvans would show the effect of the war paychology on dwindling varsity sports. Thanks a million. By the way, I promised Don Keown that I would have a story for him Saturday morning for the Journal World. So if you eo ee Sunday, I will appreciate it. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.