August 25, 1943. 3 We are happy to have your card and to know that you end lMirs. Dugan are happy in Miani. You soldiers are experiencing wonderful times, - same- thing that you as civilians would not be able to experience | for years and years. We are getting out another Rebounds letter and it should. come to you'in the very near futures Lots of good luck to you, old fellow, and best wishes to Mrs. Dugan. Glen Amend stopped in the office on some routine work and during our conversation he mentioned that he was in school under yous He had some very complimentary remarks to pass your Way. 1 imagine be would be iepyy to have « serd from ' youe He is here in the V~12 program. With Kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, FOAr All | Varsity Basketball Coach.