February 9, 1943. Mr. Karl Klooz, University of Kansas. Dear Karl: fhank you for your cormmmication informing me that John Dewell's fee money had been paid. I eam sending you a carbon copy of the letter I have received from Mr. Dewell, and my reply to him. Bvidently by this letter Johmy was dissatisfied, and it looks to me as if things had been gummed up considerably. He was supposed to get 50¢ an hour and got 35¢. If he were to be aubsidized 15¢ an hour for work on Buildings and Grounds and instead worked in and got 3527, I can easily see how it would be a boy's mind to understand why he could not have a subsidy of 157 on his check room job. Since it was to be | idy I have difficulty in understanding that, t Very sordialiy yours, Director of Fhysical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.