rae Tenente Joao Duarte Rua Homem de Melo,973 Perdizes, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 14th. December 1942. Dear Mr. Allen, : It is with the greatest of pleasure that I write this letter to congratulate you sincerely on your book "Better Basketball" (1937 Edition) which I have read with the greatest of attention. For those who are dedicated to basketball. your book is a most helpful guide and a real success for teaching the technique of the game,a technique perfected to a very high de- gree. I must say that I greatly admire the succint manner in which you describe all the phases of the game. Unfortunately in reading the book I found that pa- ges numbers 398, 399,402,403,406,407,410 and 411 are blank and I would approach you with a view to ask you kindly to arrange for the subject matter of those pages to be sent to me in order that my book be complete. At the same time I ask your kind advice as to the present procedure in the United States in organising your Natio- nal Basketball Team. That is to say,are players called from teams all over the country and then do they all train together at one centre? Further,I would very much like to:know if the Offi- cial 1942-1944 Rules as published in the "Official Sports Library for Women Basketball Guide " ( A.S.Barnes and Co. = Publishers ) are followed by all women!s teams in the U.S.A. or if some clubs or regions follows the rules applied to men's clubs. Perhaps there exists some publication on such mat- ters and if such is the case I would appreciate it if you would indicate the name of the publishers to enable me to send for it. Thanking you in anticipation for an early reply, urs faithfully, Lieutenant’of the Brazilian Army /and Secretary of the aulo Basketball Federation (Federacdo Paulista de Basketball). : t wee