INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN - OKLAHOMA March 10, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:+ I'm enclosing a copy that I thought you would be interested in. This will be broadcast by short wave to the armed forces abroad. I was permitted only 2 minutes for this, but think I got all that I could in it. Congratulations on your fine ball club. Was sorry that you had to play the Creighton game with your club shot, Next year I guess we will be looking for a boy that will be available for a month or two to say nothing of a year. Don't you think we had better arrange a meeting at K. C. when the boys are playing the N. C. A. A. so that we might talk over a schedule under our breath? Roberts check in his togs last week, and the squad in general are looking much better. He diden't say a word to me but took out for Shawnee where his wife and baby were. Sincerely, Sheer,