Pebruary 11, 1943. Capt. BE. B. DeGroot, Direator of Physical Training, Headquarters Fourth Air Foroe, 180 New Montgomery Street, San Pranciseo, California. Dear Burt: _ Thank you, Burt, for your very good letter of the first instant. We have had ow ups and downs. At the present ti Black in the hospital with virus pneumonie and I will play him for quite some time - perhaps by February 26, but the Air Corps Reserve has already sent out notices that the boys will be called between Frepuary 20 and 28 , and I imagine he will get well just abou in time to cet into the service. ) _ . We play Oklahoma here February 26, but we are leaving Friday night to play at Lincoln on the 15th and in Ames on the 15th, then the Oklahoma Aggies at Stillwater on the 17th. So you see our playing without Black will be a calamity. We might lose both gemes up there and still we might get away by winning one. We have not lost a game, but with Black out we are very impotent on rebounds, and after all, that is 88 : | T am glad to kmow that you and Ruth and Mary and Pete have an oppor- tunity to get together. I would enjoy a bullfest with that outfit, you know. That game of Stanford against California must have been a hair- raiser? \ I am happy to know that you feel pleased over the accomplishments of your physical training in the Fourth Air Fores. T know that with your a : i i 3 : still people cannot realize it is going will be before the squareheads, the slit-eyes and the spaghetti-benders are licked. But you are doing your part, and if all of us do ours should be able to realize that result in time.