HEADQUARTERS FOURTH AIR FORCE (X:he) Office of the Director of Physical ere San Francisco, California 353.8 (Phys. Tug. ) : December 9, 1942. FOURTH AIR FORCE PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST Manual for Administration l. GENERAL: The Fourth Air Force Physical Achievement Test will be used in all units of the Fourth Air Force, This is in compliance with A,A.F. Regulation No. 50-14 and Headquarters Fourth, Air Force Memorandum No. 50-13, ee PURPOSES AND USES OF THIS THS? ae To determine the physical condition of personnel at the time this test is first administered, be To measure progress or retrogression in the physical condition of individuals, and entire units, by mppen tine the tests at specified intervals, Co To determine the type and amount of exercise to be preseribed for those individuals and units falling below the established standards. Ge To provide information to Commanding Officers, Flight Surgeons and Physical Training Officers that will be of value in planning an appropriate physical training program for officers and men. eo To stimlate and maintain a kcencr interest on the part of both officers and enlisted men in their own physical condition and in the physical training program. : 3, AUTHORIZATION; The test will be conducted under the supervision of the Base or Group Physical Training Officer, It,.will be administered every 60 days to all flying officers below the rank of colonel end to al] flying enlisted personnel of tactical groups and separate tectical squadrons, All other enlisted personnel will be given the test every 90 days, It is recommended that this test be administered to all other officers where practicable, as determined by Commanding Officers, -Results of this test will be recorded as pert of the permanent record of all personnel tested. i t Enclosure No. 1