4, THE TEST: i. The following items, haiku ueewed in the following order, comprise the test. — The purpose and value of the tae is indicated opposite each ' event. PullmUp secacuns ope ers . SOMOnRth OF shoulder girdle and back, Standing broad jump... Power of leg muscles. Burpee = 20 onaniiess Agility. . Pushelinns.siceeeeaes Streneth of shoulder girdle and back. SL ek ae aes Abdéominal strength. 200~Yard ee General endurance; status of circulatory, respiratory and nervous system; strength of lee muscles. ' TEST BQUIPMENT REQUIRED: — (1) Two or more horizontal. bers. . (2) Two stop watches. 3 (8) One dozen indelible or colored pencils. - (4) Two broad jump take-off boards, 12" wide, covered with ‘rubber matting: or, two gymnasium meats, painted and marked with _.. lines, 3" apart. . (5) Two whistles, — (6) Forms for recording restlts. (See attached sample forns.) - (7) A starting flee. “ 6. INSTRUCTIONS: FOR ADMINI STERING THE TES? a, The test will be administered in the following order and in strict accordance with the directions given for its sdninistration. be Instruction and practice wil] be given in all events during at least three physical training periods preceding the edministration of the test, (Z) PUTI-UPS Equipment needed: Two horizontal bers, diameter 1; inches, placed at the standard height for horizortel bars’ of 9 feet. Description: With.elbows straight, hang suspended from the horizontal bar. Use’ the ordinary grasp, i,e., knuckles toward the body. Pull “up until the chin is above the level of the bar, then return to a straight arm hang. |. Repeat the movenent as many tines as possible. Rules? (a) When the body is lowered, it should come all the way down to a position where the arms are completely suspended, elbows straight. (b) The knees may be bent slichtly, although the nade should be straight to achieve the best forn. (c) There is no penalty for excessive swinging of the body; however, the checker should help to prevent it. ime