(Physical Training Bulletin No. @, 8-25-42 Cont'd.) animals. Do not splash or speed swim, but swim .for endurance, keeping low in the water and keeping kick and arm stroke below the water surface. For this a side stroke or breast stroke is the best method of swimming because the swimmer can relax and conserve strength. Upon being spotted by a shark or barracuda, a swimmer's chances of ward ing off attack depend upon his ability to make a lot of splash and commotion. For this resson swimmers should stay together in a body. Sharks and barracuda _ snip at arms and legs, so a wild thrashing motion can bast elude their attack. In this respect, there is strength in numbers. The idea of attacking the sea animal with a knife is not advisable because lack of experience and swimming skill can bring certain death to such a fool- hardy person. 3 "PORTUGHSE MAN OF WAR The Physalia, commonly known to sailors as the "Portugese Man-of-War" is a third sea.animal with which a sailor may have to deal. This animal floats on top of the water.and has tentacles reaching out about eight feet and filled with formic acid. When these tentacles come in contact with a swimmer the acid is injected into the system and in a short time it affects the lymph glands and causes rheumatic pains. This sensation causes a man to lose his head and become panic stricken, «- inevitably fatal. It is not the acid itself that brings about death, rather, the pains: and uncontrollable panic. Upon being struck by the Physalia, a swimmer must remain calm and swim as slowly as possible until the effect of the formic acid wears off or first aid can be given, First aid consists of a bath in spirits of ammonia, slightly di- luted. "OIL AND FIRE Swimming in combustible matter requires certain strokes and precautions that can be understood better if the chemical aspects of the problem are con- sidered, Swimming in oil or crude oil is a different matter from the other pro- blem of swimming in a highly combustible matter like benzene, gasoline, and other light liquids which vaporize readily, are easily ignited and on which flames spread rapidly. Fuel oil will, of course, burn if heated sufficiently to give off conbus- tible gases, however, Navy Bunker "C", which requires heating to a fairly high degree before it may be ignited, is less likely to fire than Navy Bunker "A", which is fluid without heating. oe There is truth in the story that the oil breaks out into patches. When a ship is attacked, it is usually under way. The oil is likelv to stream out in the wake of the ship, and break up into, patches and then ignite. Therefore, in an oil fire you may find clear water patches, Oil set afloat will normally float on the side of the ship which has been danaged, spreading side and aft. Therefore, the oil may stay on ono side of tho ship. : ;