January 23, 1942. Professor Ww, u, Davis, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dre Davis: - I want you to know that the University of Nebraske people made every effort to close any unpleasantrios or unhappiness that might have happened heretofore at Lincoln. Coach Lewandowski invited me to a quarterback meeting Satur~ day noon at the hotel, in which a great mmber of professional - and business men - young fellows between the ages of 33 and , | é : a J ‘jn aes 6 Sti, so we left Lincoln feeling that the ee ee re ee ey that had come heretofore. I just received a letter from llr, Veenker, a copy of which I am enclosing to you, and I am also sending you a copy of my letter to him. This is for your information. . Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ;