Ostober 10, 1941. Principal F. B. Toalson, Dodge City Senior High School, Dodge City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Toalsons — . I am sorry that Lawrence Stanton felt I gave hin any real hope of bringing the varsity basketball team to Dodge City, because that was not my intention. I told him that I have always been against taking the team away from school. Many times I have been asked to take them for athletic banquets, and other occasions, but I have stead- fastly refused to do so. } On second consideration, however, after reading your letter of the 8th instant I feel that you have a very good point. Dodge City certainly is entitled to something like this. The bend goes out end the glee clubs go out, but generally when an athletic team goes on euch a trip they say the boys are just fooling away their time. I wouldn't want to take my boys away from school fer two days, but I will get in touch with the professors of some of my best boys and see if we can get permission for them to be away from school on Friday. This is not a definite promise, you understand, because it is contingent upon the professors’ 0.K. There has been so much criticism of athletes going over the country that I have been almost on the defensive. But you presented a different angle in your letter, and I will see what we can do. With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. DODGE CITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DODGE CITY, KANSAS F. B. TOALSON PRINCIPAL October S, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I was very disappointed when I found from your letter of September 30, that you thought it inadvisable to plan on having your Varsity Team with you at Dodge City for the Basketball Clinic December 11 and 12. I talked with Mr. Stanton, our basketball coach, about it, and he was of the opinion that you thought that the boys might come out for Friday only when he talked with you last, and he thought perhaps that when I asked for both days, Thursday and Friday, that you decided perhaps that was too much, and that you had better not consider bringing them along. We would like to have the boys for Friday only, if that would be possible. It is true that they would miss one school day, but it is also true that, as far as benefits to the University is concerned, they would be doing a great thing for the University of Kansas in making an appearance out here at Dodge City. I am sure that all the Southwest Basketball Teams would be here and that most of the Principals, Superintendents, and all the Coaches would be here. You see we have never had a Varsity Team in Dodge City and they would all come in to see the University of Kansas Varsity Team. I am sure that this would be a good thing for the University as well as Southwest Kansas Athletics. If you can possibly reconsider and bring these boys out for Friday only, we would appreciate it very much. We will take care of the finances some way. Please advise me. ty A. FBT :mw enk B. Toalson Principal Sept. 30, 1941 Wir. Prank B. Toalson Principal Dodge City Senior High School Dedge City, Kansas ' Dear Mr. Toalson, All of the plans mentioned in your letter of the 27th are quite agreeable with me except for the fact that it will be impossible for me to bring the Kansas varsity with me to Dodge City. I have never taken the boys from classes any more than was absolutely necessary and I do not believe it would be advisable for you to plan te have them at Dodge City for your clinic. It is my feeling that the boys are here primarily for an education and it would be against my preachments to have them away at this time. However, it might be possible for me to bring one or two of the boys with me or perheps a graduate student who I could use in my demonstrations. Generally I de these demonstrations without using assistance. I shall be very happy to referee the Friday night game. I think your suggestion of having the coaches receive my observations at the time their team is playing is fine. I shall be glad to hear from you if any further plans develop. cB Trusting that your third annual basketball clinic will be as successful as the past two have teen, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Pe Se ay, ee a ae ee ener Me ae re eels be x i ee Sey DODGE CITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DODGE CITY, KANSAS F. B. TOALSON September 27, 1941 PRINCIPAL Mr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: We have definitely set the dates of the Third Annual Basketball Clinic for December llth and 12th. We are counting on you being here on those dates. We have sent out announcement letters and cards on August 2 and on September22. At the present time we have several entries and fully expect to have a large number of teams playing on Thursday and Friday. the Dates have been ok'ed by The Kansas State Activities Association and the plan for conducting the clinic has been ok'ed. The plan in brief, as you plobably recall is as follows: Zach team will play two halves of basketball, one half against one team and the second half against another team. You ‘as clinician will observe all teams and somehow will pass your suggestions and recommendations on to the coaches of the teams and to the players. In past years we have provided the Clinician with a secretary who takes notes and transcribes these notes and makes dittoed forms for all of the players and coaches, This has proven cumberson and I would like your reaction to this plan--- that the two coaches, whose teams are playing, sit with you during the time that their team is playing and that you give them your observations and suggestions directly and at the time the team is playing. Later in a general talk you could tell the boys (all of them) your observatio ns and recommendations as a whole and let the coach carry your specific criticisms directly to the boys themselves, I beleive this would be less work for you and would be of greater value to the coaches. Mr, Stanton has indicated to me that you thought that you could bring your Varsity team with you on this trip if we could take care of their expenses. I have talked with a number of the Alumniy of the University ,nd I can assure you that we will take care of them. I have indicated in advance publicity that you might bring the Varsity with you and that has aroused a lot of interest. I think that it would be a great thing for the University and of course a great thing for the Clinic. As far as I can remember there has never been a Major Basketball team in Dodge City and we certainly would like to have the boys out whth you. Please let me know what you cén do about it. We would be glad to have them come out with you (I am sure that some of the Dodge Students would be glad to bring a load of them ) and to have them and you stay over as long as you like. You can use the Gym floor for work outs and we would have a nice crowd to watch your demonstration with them The program would likely be (1)-games Thursday (2) games friday A.M, and afternoon (3) Scheduled game Dodge City High vs Emporia High Friday evening DODGE CITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DODGE — KANSAS F. B. TOALSON PRINCIPAL September 27, 1941 and (4) Demonstration conducted by Dr. F. C, Allen and the University of : Kansas Varsity team either Thursday evening of Friday afternoon. There would also be a meal where we would like for you to make the address to the coaches and the boys. As to expenses, I beleive we paid you $25.00 and expenses the last time you came out. If that is satisfactory with you it will be all right with us. However we will be glad to pay you whatever you think it is worth this year. If you would like to use one of your boys and referee the game Friday Night we will pay you what we usually pay the officials in addition to the other payment we empect to make to you. I am anxious to make this Clinie one of the largest in the state and one of the biggest. I beleive I am right in saying that Our Clinic in 1938 was one of the first held in the state and we want to continue to keep it the first. Zf you have any suggestions please let me have then. atl lem s0n September 26, 1941 Mr. Frank B. Toalson, Principal, Dodge City Senior High School, Dodge City, Kansas. Dear Wr. Toalson: I em checking on my calendar, and am wondering if you have definitely set dates for your basketball clinic. i am tentatively holding Desember 11 and 12, as suggested by Laurence Stanton, but I should like to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball] and Baseball Coach. June 18th, 1941 lip, Lawrence Stanton Dodge City, Kensas Dear Mr. Stanton: I find that 1 have failed to answer your good letter of April 30th. 1 teok on baseball in addition to my basketball work and this together with a large number of speaking engagements kept me from answering your letter. ‘I'm a little uncertain et the present tine of the possibility of getting away on the llth and 12th of Decesber. My basketball schedule is not completed end I hesitate to make commitments umtil I complete my basketball schedule. I certainly will enjoy being with you, but I'm sure you can appreciate my situation. If you have someone — else that could fill my shoes at the present time, I assure you I will not feel the Peast bit offended. I shall be glad to hear from you at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reeredtion-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Mr. Ralph N. Dugan, Effinghen, Tansase Dear Red: I have expected to play golf for the past two or three Sundays with Mr. Rathbun, the superintendent of construction at the Eudora plant, but for one reason and another I haven't sean him yet. However, I am sure that I can get you on out there. I Se ee ee ee ee ee Oe ee oe later. Swhld se you bene eh eur summee yesrention preven eat 357 an hour, and as soon as you can come we will put you to ee eee a eee es ener playground. sik: Sek O05 you heat yon cones of study when you come, but I am glad to know that you are going to take Advanced Basketball. Congratulations on your fine record this year at . Effinghan. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. — Effingham, Kansas April 3, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen, ‘ At the time of my visit to your office on April 27, you suggested the possibility that you might be able to secure a job for me at the Eudora plant this summer. In addition, I plan to take your advance basketball course and some other work for graduate credit in the mornings at the university. Mr. Hunn has informed me that my duties at the Effing- ham High School will be completed by May 26. I plan to come to Lawrence a few days before school is out to find living quarters and to consult with you regard- ing the details of this work. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions regarding this summer's work, I shall be glad to have you write. I am looking forward to my work this summer with genuine pleasure. Respectfully yours (Repel eo Ralph N. Dugan raul 8% Waren Wn. Oe.’ | Qctoa Ghak Pagan, oe ae Sarane Ow eons, hs ce Ga Cnn © in ane Shahi ok. May 18, 1942. Mr. Ralph Dugen, Effingham, Kansas Dear “Red”: Z sew Mr. Ra yesterday and he said that he ean definitely take you on at the Eudora plant. It may be a week or ten days before they will be ready for men, but that will give you time to get our summer recreation equipment into good shape. It will be possible for you Te ne Se ering Oak Sagan weet ont Chars @ o'clock. We shall be happy to see you when you come. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. May 18, 1942. Col. J. 8, Dusenbury, Military Science. Dear Colonel Dusenbury: I am very s that I will be wable to accept the invitat ut tae Iestave: Sttinees teateteke Cones to attend ° Ceremony of Awards and Barbecue on Wednes- dey, May 20. I have two other engagements that evening, and I do not see how I can be at so many places at one time. ae Thank you very much for your kind invitation. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreati PCAAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. . UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DIVISION OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS LAWRENCE, KANSAS The Reserve Officers Training Corps of the University of Kansas requests the pleasure of the company of Pref FCO Wl at ns teks of Awards and Barbecue on WEDNESDAY, the TENTIETIG of MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO to be held in the Community Building Eleventh and Massachusetts Streets. Chow line forms promptly at 6:30 p.em., o'clock REPLY REQUESTED Mr. Ed Dissinger, Oberlin, Kansas. Dear Ed: I would suggest that you write to one both of the following persons in regard to a position in the Physical Training Division in the Naval Reserve: Lt. Commander J. J. Tumney, U. S. Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Virginia. Lt. Comunder 7. J. Hamilton, Division of Aviation Training, Navy Departuent, ‘ashington, D. C. . if I em not mistaken, the applicants must have &@ major in physical education, or have had training in that Meld. Perhaps your coaching experience will help fill this qualification. If I can help you further, it will be a pleasure. “ith best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Bducoation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Superintendent of Decuments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: T am enclosing herewith 60¢ for ee auplen. of . $21-20 Army Physical Training (Field) Manual. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Superintendent, Bureau of Public Documents, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: artis ar wring Denar tee. Again wary Be