October 4, 1937, ap, W, Herold Broenc, Varsity Sasketball Goach, Unigersity of Nedraske, iéneoln, meee meer Brownie 3 = bave just written Major "nage" Jones, thanking him for his kindness in permitting us geo the seme from the top of the pross stand, ¥ aia not got to see you Seturdey, nor aia I look for you beranse I knew your many well wishers would be wenting to congretuleate you upon: the successful achievement that you and Biff per« | formed Saturday in lieking the Gophers, My sincere eer go to you. . I felt thet you would be more anxious _ about tlden Ucliravy and you would be wanting to | get to the tal to assure his good mother and ded that all Hebraska was groatly concerned over the serious snjur to er fine boys | = am dust wetitnn you to extend my sincere wishes, as well as these of all the coaches and followers of football here at the Untvoreity, hoping | thet Eldon will make a complete an@ speedy recovery. i know how such a thing =e you because I have steod at the bedside of en injured boy with oe ae oo around, and heave seen them pass away, for that reason that i have a very deep piroate tal feeling for the family end for the boys in this hour, that would have been unalloyed head. it ‘not been fer this accident. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education,