DUDLEY LOCK CORPORATION PROTECTION ENGINEERS Combination Locks Locks — with Key Control Watchman’s COMPULSORY Tour Systems TELEPHONE SUPERIOR 4440 FACTORY AND GENERAL OFFICES 325 NORTH WELLES StEREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS January 7, 1941 Mr. Forest C. Allen, Director of Phy. Bde, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.e Dear Mr. Allen; Answering yours of January 3, our records show that combination for lock EN-4957 is 26 - 14 = 393 for lock KR-9183 combination is 0 = 16 = 21. We have searched our records and failed to find any combination listed for lock DE-9924. I regret that I cannot give you the combination for this locke Is there a possibility that DE should be DF or some other combination letter? Cordially yours, DUDLEY LOCK CORPORATION € 5 Yun ee BWS:ak E. W. Sundell, Vice-President.