THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Echo Lake,Calif. Aug.13, 1941. Dr.Forrest C.Allen. Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: In running thru my badly stuffed file of unanswered cor- respondance I am embarrassed to find yamr kind letter of June 18th, While perhaps it didnt call for a reply the fact that I have had on quite a lengthy visit with Burt recently is reason enough for pass- ce ing along a little news. ; Of course I was glad to learn that Burt left in"good graces", since i one can never be sure just how such changes will be accepted by 4 those left behind.He seems to be very happy in his new work altho he says frankly that he is a green pea and knows nothing about it. In that respect he seems to be in the same boat with manypothers who are attempting similar jobs in this new army development.Cer- tainly it is a great opportunity,a virgin field and one from which he should emerge with greatly increased knowledge and experience in physical education and recreation.Judging from the morale I have ce | observed in the few camps visited he is confronted with a colossal — ; job. : While my family has been here at the lake enjoying a fine Calif. ! summer 1 have been down at ftanford preparing for and taking my final written and oral exams for the doctorate.Wound them up last week and I guess the examiners decided to pass me and get me out of the way for they put the final stamp on me and its now officiall "Dr. DeGroot",.Of course my children are giving me quite a ribbing - aiter all these years of still being a student, to their embarrass- ment, but its UK with me! We are closing up the place this week end and leaving for home via | southern California where we will visit my folks and Burt and Ruth | and their new papoose.We are all looking forward to our first peek at the pride and joy with great interest.Burt says he's quite a kid already but he is probably prejudiced. Planning to work out with the Washington Redskin football team at San Diego for a week thence on back to Chivago for the All-star game the 2&th.Tont know our route for sure at this writing but if we are anywhere near Lawrence will stop by and sa; hello. urusting you have enjoyed a fine summer and with kind personal : regards to Mrs Allen and the children from the DeGroots, I am Lee Bawrence Public Schools CLIFFORD D. DEAN, SUPERINTENDENT Barvorence, Ransus March 10, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I do appreciate your kind offer of a locker and the privilege of playing with the faculty members on Wednesday and Friday evenings from 4:50 to 6:00. I have been unable to take advantage of this offer, but hope to begin next Wednesday. I was surely sorry we couldn't win the Oklahoma game last week. I thought for a time in the second half when we went ahead that the game was won, but the boys just didn't have enough endurance to see it through. I am sure we are all looking forward to another year and are not disappointed with the pres- ent team, but feel as you do that they have gone much farther than we had any right to expect. I am looking forward to playing golf with you as soon as the weather permits. With the best of personal regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Clifford D. Dean CDD: VW LS Mer. 6, 1941 Dr. Allen: I talked to Tom Harris lest night. .I sew his wetch Fridey rhen I wes checking out eaquiprent to the besebell pleyers. It was on Dean's desk in the freshmen besketbeall room. I check out equiprent Mondey, and I elso noticed the wetch. Tom came in shortly efter the 3:30 ws blew, and the first thing he ssked about res his vetch. He told me isst night thet he noticed it was still there from Fridey. He even remerbered the exect time that it had stgoped on, so this eliminates any one from getting into the room over the week-end and getting the watch. Don Bleir came to work shortly after three-thirty, end I spent the rest of the afternoon rorking with the besebell pleyers. When we cere in from practice Don told me ebout the watch. The stimming team, the Freshmen besketbell boys, end the beseball teem used the room thet efternoon. The wetch disenvesred betreen 3:30 and 6:50. I em sorry thet it happened, end I am doing all thet I cen to find it. Raloh Dugen Mre Kelle Davidson 3 Director of Information and Instruction 8 Jourmlisn University of Kansas Dear KW, I have written Joe Wilkins and Professor “iley @ short note the same as I am writing you, and enclosed @ copy of my letter to Chancellor Mlotte In my letter to Joe Wilkins I suggested that you and he get together and pian for this ratrictic song feste Of course, I could do it, but since you heve been appointed by the Chancellor on this patriotic public speake ing service, I thought it well to tie you in with this plane It is not much of a job but I thought perhaps you would want to get some publicity out om it and play it up so that the students and patrons will know what is coming. As I wrote to the Chancelior, we felt that so much of this red stuff bas been tailed in the Legislature, | that it would not hurt a bit if the students went patriotic one nighte Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach February 20, 1941 Mre Clifford Dean | Superintendent of Schools Lawrence, Kansas ‘pear Clifford: I have checked with the Powers That Be, and find that all and everyone of them would be ver to have you at the Faculty Jam Sessions Not only that, but we have a locker room with two vacant lockers, and one of them ought to be tagged as yours. ‘“e have a separate shower in this room and fine dressing quarters. A411 the tax to you will be twenty-five cents for your trey. This is merely a deposit because, if you will return the key to my office at the end of the school year, ry secretary will cive you your “ouarter back"=if you are a football player. What a puns Viss Lauretta Gerstenberger will cive you the . information wher you come into the office for the key. The Faculty Jam Session is on Yednesdays and Fridays from 4:30 to 6:00. They play volley ball, badminton, handball, and other cames,. You can choose your game. I spoke to lir,. Burt DeGroot about the matter, anc he is looking forward to seeing you, It would be a pleasure to have you with use with all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, FCA:lg:min Director of Physical Fducsetion and heereation 2 biesistolsid Basketball Coach Mre HeGe Douley Dear Mire Douleys I want to thank you very much nae Sens anliaail end hospitality to our basketball team while we were in your city enroute to Stillwater, where we played the Oklahoma Aggies on February 17. Tt was very generous of you to do all the nice things for us and we are very grateful to yous Thank you very very muche Sincerely yours, Mirector of Physical Fdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | February 27, 1941 ire Yerry Downs : lewrence, Kansas — Desr Mre Downs: [have just written a short thank you note aclmowledging receipt of a letter from lr. Cliff Higbye When you come in for a talk we will follow this matter UPpe ; Yery sincerely yours, FOAslg:min © ‘Director of Physical Education and Pecreetion 3 Versity basketball Coach s ties plea secede en Bosal S aee Februery 1, 1941 Mr», Lane Davis 706 YW. 12th Street Levrence, Kanses Deer Lane: : I want you to know that I deeply appreciate your fine cooperation on behalf of Charles Blacke I am very certain thet, had you not shown this boy the sources and the method of getting information, he would heve failede The fact that you had elready established yourself as en outstanding student also impressed Charles to the point thet he says never sgain will he wake a low erede such as he reoeived in this course. PersonaZly ~ deeply appresieate the time that you took in showing Charles the waye Believe me, if at any time there is any way thet I can extend a kindness to you, I trust thet you will not besitate to cell on mes , I believe that in future years you and I will be pleased that we had faith in this boy's ability, because somehow i feel thet, net only will he be e fine athlete for the University of Kansas, but he will be a fine citizen. He has marked qualities thet give us every hope to believe that he will definitely establish himself here st the University of Kansase Again thanking you, and with kindest personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, FCAslg:min Director of Physical Fducetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach February 7, 1941 Mire Tudley DeGroot College of Arts and Science University of Rochester Rochester, New York Dear Lids I em enclosing a copy of a letter that I have just received from Asa Se Bushnell, IT wanted you to have this because you can see he is willing to use you if and when he has an opportunitye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ~ The University of Rochester College of Arts & Science Jen, 26, 1941 Dy. Forrest ¢, Allien Director of Physical Education The University of Kansas Dear Dr, Allens Your two recent letters were deeply appreciated bat frankly they rt nec | : I know how desperately busy you are at this time of the year and you heve no time to be spending writing letters to fellows like me--mach as they my inevire us. But to your great credit, al few realized the situation, no alibies appeared in any columns even mentioning the fect that your kids, including yourself were really quite sick with the flu. ‘hat greater tribute ean be paid any team and any coach? None, to my mind in this day and age of commercialized, phoney intercollegiate athletics when alibies are the commonest stock in trade of far too many so-called coaches, Your sportemanship in this instance is one which I shall never forget and one which I am using every time I have the opportunity, in miking talks to groups of people in this @hanks so much for your most generous letter to Bushnell. If that doesn't secure me an opportunity te officiate a few games under his direction nothing will, end I only hope I shell be able to live up to the mny kind things you said, I%m working many high school games and have one at Colgate in two weeks. Saw Notre Dame play Syracuse Monday in the roughest, dirtiest game I have ever seen two college teams play < and it wae all the fault of two lax officials, Three boys seriously hurt and seven expelled before it was overt! Thanks again and kindest personal regards to Mys. Allen and the family Sincerely, (signed) Dud DeGroot eee ca RN ieee a LS a ca cae el ra January 26, 1941 _ Mre Dick Dunkel Dmkel Sports Research Servi Mountain Lakes, New Jersey Dear Mire Dunkel; We have passed on your statement of $2.00 to Mre Earl Palkenstien, our Financial Secretary of the Athietie Associations I am sure you will reeeive payment for your services in the very near futures I am of the opinion that your rating service will stimulate the interest of the boys and basketball to a high degrees However, some of the boys have just come into the office carrying your rating sheet and they said, "If this fellew Dunkel figures this way we figure his ideas are sereweye" They cite that your rating on Kansas on January 10 was GleG, then we lest to Oklahoma at Norman and you rete us Gle2 on January 17. After that Kansas defeated Iowa State, the leader who defeated Minnesota, Bradley Teche and other good teams, and in addition Kansas went ahead to whip Missourd and Kansas State and you rate us 55.] om January 24, after we have won these three gamese And the interesting part is that on January 24 you still rate Iow: State 62ele How cone? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAgig DUNKEL SPORTS RESEARCH SERVICE, INC. OC eties Pde and “Pewieber Jutta MOUNTAIN LAKES SEW JBASET TELEPHONE &§ ™ BOONTON 8-0818 yanuary 24, 1941. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen; We were very pleased to receive your letter of Jmuary 21st ordering our basketball rating and forecast service. We are enclosing as you requested the first three issues of the season as well as a copy of the current one for the week ending January 3lst. All future issues will be mailed to you on successive Fridays. Enclosed is our bill for the season's service. Thanking you again, I am, Very truly yours, Sik Buh RCD/BH Dick Dunkel ong * 4 a ag rs : ee 2 F sa ad 6 - oa A _Pihcte z $4 A ; SP ak CARS Gaytu. Ad PrAL Casini xi et 2 “y, SY, 4 September 13, 1940 ‘I had @ letter fron John Buescher yesterdays When I think of Beardstown I think of John Glenn, Art Dufelmeier and John Glenne a oe, oe. at the University that you will. to play on the same team with llowy, illusive,. jumping, dchn Basenhers | With all good wishes for your outetanding success this fall in footbali and — I am, ge s | s Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation oo Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg October 10, 1940 4 Ha bit “ata "3% i a E . 5 ed 3 pleyor, if 510s Aatiew tank Stns te quine tote 6 et RL 1 Pn Sincerely yours, a ceeenne Education and Recreation m1 Coach. | Director varsity | Write me when you have times With all good wishes, I ail, John Glenn 4 e aga | CC; Mre Gerald Me Penehin, Coach Bradshaw, Nebrasia ; Dear Coach Tansiine ! reek Mellemndhcteing wuneigh ‘of pow Letbber anton Fetpuasy Mt, and which my secretary made a previous acknowledgement on March 11. You will vooall that I had the Watioml Collegiate Basketball Tournament to handle in fansas City, both the Western and the Finals, and our ‘team happened to be in it, so with the rush of things and the close of school, your letter became lost in the files I owe you an apology, het Sa Bee Py Fe PaSe the al tunnion te Oe be svterty frente Z enjoyed hearing from you and always assure you that when eritics of the basketbell rules write me I dndeavor to ir thoughts and arguments to the Basketball Rules Comittee, eourse, the Committee will not agree to adopt many of the suggestions, eae Same SEF Oey Seely. one ane their fencye Since the Basketball Rules Committee of the United States and Canada are presented with so many different suggestions, you can under= _ Stand why el] the suggestions are not scceptede a I quite agree with you in your argument. “With every good wish, I am, : Very cordially yours, ie ft "Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ce eg a eee HSER e eae oe if Pyae ae sore ae iS ys * ets Ce i : i re : " Saco on hea ia Fear iy cee a i ‘ anita . ae [ oe 3 BL HERMANN, PRESIDENT EDW. HICKEY, SECRETARY ALVIN GORDON, TREASURER BRADSHAW PUBLIC SCHOOLS JOHN T. LAMASON, SuPERINTENDENT GERALD M. DANSKIN, PRINCIPAL - BRADSHAW, NEBRASKA Tk 28,1940 pe — Bee 2 he AE aati hee” th ales hha te cts sth ck Aerie o-. as | eee - Bes ate Se at nine PRM ENG) ce] : i tr, Gerald Me Danskin, 4 “if i; BE aay . rE i a if i pau! "Sincerely yours, Segretary to Drs Fs Ce Allone Mire He Se DeGroat epringfield College Springfield, Massachusetts igar Mre DeGroats: | Your letter of October 30 requesting sample forme used by our department, has been received. Dee Allen is out of town at the present time, but upon his return your letter will be brought to his attentions : Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr, Forrest Ce Allen PPR NUPIELD COLLEOE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD, MASS. FACULTY MANAGER H. 2 DEGROAT October 30, 1940. Dear Fellow Member: Dr. Harry Scott, president of our College Physical Education Association has requested that I prepare a dis~ play of inter-collegiate athletic office forms for our coming meeting in New York, The display must have repre- sentation from all parts of the country. Can you arrange with your department to send me samples of every form used by your institution? I am interested in every type of form-=printed, mimeographed or otherwise--in+ cluding instructions to managers, samples of passes, equip- ment room forms, budget forms, etc., in fact, everything that is used by your department, I appreciate your effort in seeing that this is for- warded immediately so I can plan this display and do credit to your institution. Very cordially yours, \ f VN ) anaes WS, DsQuve CF HSD/S H, S. DeGroat Mr. F. ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. November 12, 1940 ur, Dale Deweese, President Chamber of Commerce Wellington, Kansas — Dear Dales I have been thinking very seriously since you called asking that i deliver the address at the Wellington Football Banquet in honor of your exceptional and victorious high school football teame ces I agsure you that I consider this an honor but I am torn between two decisions. A desire to have a good baskethall team, especially since our | foetball team has not been going very welle We are playing the University of Texas on Decenber 9 and 10 here in Lawrence and we have not had opportunity _ to practice as much as we should.e It will be necessary for me to miss baskete ball practice on the afternoon of Tecember S~. In addition to that I have two classes that meet in the mornings which takee me up to noon and that would 7 State does not provide any traveling expenses for such occasions since I drive a Buick Roadmaster, it would take at least 5¢ nNOONs as this, ce I per mile each my to pay my expenses. If you are willing to do this I will | mike speeial arrangements so that my basketball team can practice under super= vision and I will forego the practice that day for thé pleasure and honor of being with you and your boys in their championship selebratione : | Congratulations to you and the boys over their splendid victory over Wichita. I looked up the score and found that all Wellington had reason to rejoice over their fine victory. Will you extend congratulations to the boys for me? : 7 oe ee 7 : 3 _ Will you please tell me what time the banquet is to start and what time you plan to have it terminate. I can get started back from Wellington that night and drive part of the way, and will plan to get off early the next morning so that I can get back to my classes; the first one of which meets at 93306. I have vory many pleasant recollections of Wellingtons I remember — poke at the dedication seremonies of your new memorial hall right after World Wars Mre Ede Hackney asked me dow for that meetings I renember. then that Claude Scott was your secretary and I happened to be vice-president of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerces Whon the Lawrence directors were looking o Fe for a secretary I told them about a young man who led the singing, sold all the tickets, and took the cooks home after the meeting. Scott was elected up here and did a fine job for a number of years, November 12, 1940 Mre Dale Deweese, President — Chamber of Commerce Wellington, Kansas _ Dear Dales I deliver the addrog exceptional and victe: . I assure j two decisions, A 4 On DAs football team has not bee ng wery well, \ playing the University of Texas on Decembe bo and Ofiere i rn } have not had opportunity to practice ae such as e shoyld wil | necessary for me to miss baskete. ball practice on the afte mons December 3. | addi tion to that I have two classes that m | p Prd © noon and that would not permit x to . Wellingtone However, I could mec my © | he if and as this, and I drive a Buiek Héas ‘ per mile each way to pay my expense make special @ go thet 1 to rejoice over their fine Pictorye 7 ~~ for me? night and aie an < of eo and so that I cans many pleasant recollections of Wellingtor 5 epee at te Meb-oft of the) oui Tding SS al hall right after the World Ware Mre Ede Hackney asked me Yow for that me wtings ‘I remember than thet Claude Scott was your secretary nd I~happene¢ » be Wise~peesicent of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, Shan the tenveus directors were looking for @ secretary I told then/about a young man who led thes zing, sold all the tickets, and took the cooks home after the meetings Seott was elected up here and did a fine job for a number of yearse Mre Deweese . Page Two Nove 12, 1940 By the way, I stopped in Wellington this summer with Mrs. Allen, on our wey down to the University of Texas where I was teachinge We had breakfast in Wellington and visited with a few of our friends. I am sorry that I did not have an opportunity to stop and say hello to youe If these arrangements are satisfactory with you, will: you please let me know at your early convenience. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg November 29, 1940 ee i 38 ot ail 5 ie! bi ul iit i ii ip f i if ‘ik! Thanking you for your inguiry, I en youre, Bangor, “mine 8 3 : i ; qi Mre Elwyn Dees Trainer, University of Nebrasia Decenber 4 you asked for the « Lem dictating this letter is written I will heave will endeavor to give you the information you desires — We are not so hot in the basketball ways You have to beat better teams than Temas to get very fare Lots of good luck to you and Maxines I lmow that you will enjoy the trip west and you certainly deserve it, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical pducation and Reoreation Varsity Basketball Coach Lincoln, Nebraska December 4, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens Well, as you know we have "up and done it" and are Rose Bowl bound after a_ _ pretty strenuous season, but which was well worth it. All of Lincoln talks of nothing else, and of murse the whole Dees family is very elated over it. I am wondering if you know of any of the "old boys" I was in school with who are now in California. I know there must be a good many out there, and since I will have a few days to my own diverston after the game, thought I might take the opportunity to look some of them up if you could send me their addresses. I would surely appreciate it. We are leaving as soon ag school is out for points west to work out before January first. Don't know just where we will be going as yet. Wishing you the best of Buccess on your trip to New York, (Maxine's brother was up omep Thanksgiving and said your boys were looking pretty good to him), Klug Elwyn Deas, Trainer, Uni. of Nebr. Henry William Kratzer, b! 36, 829 Ne Edgemont, Hollywood Delphia Louk, Seaside Hospital, Long Beach Dre Albert T. Aldrich, cfo Children's Hospital, Los Angeles | Mrs. Clyde F. Ford (Dorothy Lewis) '36, 1030 Araphahoe, Los Angeles Harold J» Greenwald, 547 N. Spalding, Los Angeles '36 Ralph Ne Wilson, e'35, 4216 Lowell, Los Angeles William Decker, '36, San Diego eas, San Diego, Calif. Lt. Chevey White, 3049 Union, San Diego, Calife Virginia Wherritt, 1109 Bast Ist St., Long Beach Ge Melvin Moore, 330 Laurel Ave., Arcadia, Calif. Chase Ee Si caan. bss, 825 Sandborne, Hollywood Dean Coleman, b'38, 24 Esperanza Ave., Long Beach John Ee Ayers, '34, 447 W. Doran, Glendale i