LS Mer. 6, 1941 Dr. Allen: I talked to Tom Harris lest night. .I sew his wetch Fridey rhen I wes checking out eaquiprent to the besebell pleyers. It was on Dean's desk in the freshmen besketbeall room. I check out equiprent Mondey, and I elso noticed the wetch. Tom came in shortly efter the 3:30 ws blew, and the first thing he ssked about res his vetch. He told me isst night thet he noticed it was still there from Fridey. He even remerbered the exect time that it had stgoped on, so this eliminates any one from getting into the room over the week-end and getting the watch. Don Bleir came to work shortly after three-thirty, end I spent the rest of the afternoon rorking with the besebell pleyers. When we cere in from practice Don told me ebout the watch. The stimming team, the Freshmen besketbell boys, end the beseball teem used the room thet efternoon. The wetch disenvesred betreen 3:30 and 6:50. I em sorry thet it happened, end I am doing all thet I cen to find it. Raloh Dugen