February 20, 1941 Mre Clifford Dean | Superintendent of Schools Lawrence, Kansas ‘pear Clifford: I have checked with the Powers That Be, and find that all and everyone of them would be ver to have you at the Faculty Jam Sessions Not only that, but we have a locker room with two vacant lockers, and one of them ought to be tagged as yours. ‘“e have a separate shower in this room and fine dressing quarters. A411 the tax to you will be twenty-five cents for your trey. This is merely a deposit because, if you will return the key to my office at the end of the school year, ry secretary will cive you your “ouarter back"=if you are a football player. What a puns Viss Lauretta Gerstenberger will cive you the . information wher you come into the office for the key. The Faculty Jam Session is on Yednesdays and Fridays from 4:30 to 6:00. They play volley ball, badminton, handball, and other cames,. You can choose your game. I spoke to lir,. Burt DeGroot about the matter, anc he is looking forward to seeing you, It would be a pleasure to have you with use with all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, FCA:lg:min Director of Physical Fducsetion and heereation 2 biesistolsid Basketball Coach