The University of Rochester College of Arts & Science Jen, 26, 1941 Dy. Forrest ¢, Allien Director of Physical Education The University of Kansas Dear Dr, Allens Your two recent letters were deeply appreciated bat frankly they rt nec | : I know how desperately busy you are at this time of the year and you heve no time to be spending writing letters to fellows like me--mach as they my inevire us. But to your great credit, al few realized the situation, no alibies appeared in any columns even mentioning the fect that your kids, including yourself were really quite sick with the flu. ‘hat greater tribute ean be paid any team and any coach? None, to my mind in this day and age of commercialized, phoney intercollegiate athletics when alibies are the commonest stock in trade of far too many so-called coaches, Your sportemanship in this instance is one which I shall never forget and one which I am using every time I have the opportunity, in miking talks to groups of people in this @hanks so much for your most generous letter to Bushnell. If that doesn't secure me an opportunity te officiate a few games under his direction nothing will, end I only hope I shell be able to live up to the mny kind things you said, I%m working many high school games and have one at Colgate in two weeks. Saw Notre Dame play Syracuse Monday in the roughest, dirtiest game I have ever seen two college teams play < and it wae all the fault of two lax officials, Three boys seriously hurt and seven expelled before it was overt! Thanks again and kindest personal regards to Mys. Allen and the family Sincerely, (signed) Dud DeGroot eee ca RN ieee a LS a ca cae el ra