Lincoln, Nebraska December 4, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens Well, as you know we have "up and done it" and are Rose Bowl bound after a_ _ pretty strenuous season, but which was well worth it. All of Lincoln talks of nothing else, and of murse the whole Dees family is very elated over it. I am wondering if you know of any of the "old boys" I was in school with who are now in California. I know there must be a good many out there, and since I will have a few days to my own diverston after the game, thought I might take the opportunity to look some of them up if you could send me their addresses. I would surely appreciate it. We are leaving as soon ag school is out for points west to work out before January first. Don't know just where we will be going as yet. Wishing you the best of Buccess on your trip to New York, (Maxine's brother was up omep Thanksgiving and said your boys were looking pretty good to him), Klug Elwyn Deas, Trainer, Uni. of Nebr.