Merch 29, 1941 Mre Ee Ce Quigley Ste Marys, Kansas Dear Ernie: ‘ | We pley the Kansas Aggies here on Monday and Tues= day, April 7th and Sthe On April Ist I go to Altamont, Kansas to speak to the Boosters Athletic Banquet so E will heve to leave before baseball practice is overe On April 2nd I speak to the Metro Club in Kansas City at noon but I will return in time for baseball practice, although I heve a budget meeting at 4 ofcleck. Then on April - 4th I heve been invited along with the Varsity Basketball Team te Kansas City, Missouri te be the guest of the Kansas City, Wissouri Kansas Relay Club, but we will not leave until about 5 o'clocks Bs On any of these afternoons I would appreciate it if you would come down and give our boys the benefit of your kmowledge on the interpretation of the rulese % certainly would be swell of you and we would enjoy heving youe ; : fhis letter ic in response to your desire that I write you and call your attention to these possible dates. Will kind- ly inform me if it will be possible for you to be with use Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach