DUNKEL SPORTS RESEARCH SERVICE, INC. lc ds ond Paden Fomteres MOUNTAIN LAKES -4. NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE @ 4 BOONTON 8-0818 Mr. Forrest CeAllen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kensas Dear Coach Allen: Thanks a lot for your letter of Jan.28th. I can see I've a lot of explaining to do, so I'll try to do a thorough job of it. However, let me say right away that the reason:for the discrepancies noted by you and the boys is thet there is a lag of 11 days between the reting date and the one at the top of the sheet. Note that on the sheet for week ending Jane3lst, that standings and ratings are through games of Jane20th onlye In other words, the ratings are about a week old when you receive them -- and haven't caught up with the games most recently played, and which are uppermost in your mind. For instance, you mention the Kansas rating dropping to 58el after you had defeated Iowa State end Missouri. But that wasn't the casee 58.1 was your rating after losing to Oklahomae The Iowa State victory shot you up to 60et6 After licking Missouri you went to 60el, and stayed right there after taking Kansas State 46 to 4le I use no opinion or guesswork. The teams set their ow ratings. I simply record what happense The ratings show the average scoring margin you have established above or below the average rating of your opposition. I use an average of the last three games only in order to show current condition of each teame As of today, Big Six ratings are as follows: Kensas 60el Iowa State 58e6 Nebraska 59.9 Kansas Ste 55e2 Oklahoma 59e2 Missouri | 49el I'm wondering if you and the boys agree with that set-up. Certainly hope sc. Meantime, let me say I'm awfully sorry thet the new sheets can't get to you sooner. However, for various reasons I'm now tied up on a basis where the sheets are printed in Chicago on Wednesdays end can't be mailed out of here until Fridayse