June 17th, 1941 Mr. Thomas J. Teegan American Sports Presse Relations 271 Madison Avenue Hew York, New York Dear Er. Deegan: Your letter arrived just at the time I was finishing wy baseball season and then our examinations and ommencement came on. We're now just starting our Sumer School work. I notice that you have gotten meh information from Springfield College and you doubtless have the book, “Sasketball* edited by the Associated Press. This should give you much information end background. er T have been associated with Doctor Naismith sinee 1905. | I played on the Varsity team here when he was our only coach. gid not intend to caach much but his philospiay and interest in the gaine was very interesting. | se | I became Varsity basetball coach in 1908 and 1909. I played on the Varsity team here when he was our only coach. He did not intend to coach mich but his philosophy end interest in the game was very interesting. I became Varsity basketball coach in 1906-1908 and won the Championship both yeers. Then I returned te the University of Kenseas as Athletic Director and have been coaching here since thet time, All these years I was directly and closely identified with Doetor Naismith, he being Director of Physical Education and 1 being Director of Athletics end @oach of Basketball. Then, I was given both departments of Director of Athletics and Director of Physical Bducetion while Doctor Nesmith continued as Professor of Physical Education. ; me If there are some points that you wish for me to give you fmformation on, I will be very clad to do 80. But, it would be an endless task to write about my associations with him unless there were some definite and specific thing to touch upone The Spalding's Athletic Library, ia the official basket- ball guide for 1940-41, the writer has written @ tribute to Dootor a Naismith on pages 7, 8, 9% and 10 of the guide under the title, "Father 4