NELson NORGREN E. A. KELLEHER - Epwarp J. Hickox W. H. Browne _ President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Third Vice-President THE NATIONAL, ASSOGIANIONTOF BASKETBALL COACHES OC ARSHALL Diesoip, Secretary-Treasurer Peat re yr Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota: j..°7 .) Jat wal Ta Tne ode tq agellod jasatoH TAH August 1; 1941 Dr. .Forrest.¢., Allén, Chairman Basketball Rules Comittee Kansas University “soe wi meee te {0 awn, Lawrence, Kansas eee nuda icine aaa saceee Dear Dr: ‘alten: . i Although’ ‘the: weather . ee Le eae, hardly put. you: ce a ipa liet - ball".frame.of mind, nevertheless, I thought .you would. be. : interested’ in’ the’ information concerning the personnel of your q Basketball. ‘Rules Committee as recently announced. by Nelson ; Norgren, our: president. — | me I Ee If you would Like ‘ad@itional letterheads and envelopes, please make your, fequest ‘Known and I shall see “thee, an Ce — is placed: at yea: disposal. ; - , You have probably been. heed ey Mr. nok Onakiha ot ‘the Naismith Memorial Committee, Springfield, Massachusetts, of the effort which will be piaced on the Basketball Golden Jubilee campaign ‘to raise money for the Naismith Memorial to be ‘erected in Springfield. ni Ee @ bringing this to your attention so.that 7 you will render whatever. ayer’ ie find convenient to this worthwhile. effort. — pt youno typ i eke Once more“if=I can’ be: of rerener ‘aerveeeabeoteenees ie dtaaeton regarding our association or. supplying you with Yeh Pet He Res and envelopes; please: feel free! to make. your. Tequest a Best wishes for a aeomeial administration and here's hoping that we enjoy not only: another great year in basketball but that we can.all look forward with pleasure to a mis ‘successful Soaveuse* in, New ‘a ‘Dpxt Ma eaten : pan “Sincerely, , - Marshall Diebold pe CRRRATY -Treasurer MD/vs a P scatigwih Share th A aes pat Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19, 20, 21, 1942