Delta ‘eu Delta Fraternity, 1111 West Lith Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Loyal Kansas Rooters: I want you to know that the writer and the varsity basketball team very much appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending your wire to us et the Tiger Hotel at Columbia, Micsouri, upon the | occasion of our mech lemented and highly unsetisfactory trip to Tigertowm last Thursday, Jamery 19th. Your wire stated -"Best of luck tonight. We're betting on you. Delta Tau Delta.” I guess we had our share of luck, but the boys apparently thought they were playing with the parlor tabby eat and not © reel live tiger. We simply didn": Might the first half and that was the tale. We appreciate your good wishes, but we hope you didn't, bet too muchse Sane evening after you have fed Bruce VYoran a large, | gunptuous meal, kindle a fire in the fireplace, have sane of the boys take Bruse‘s shoes off end get him a pair of house slippers, prop his feet up, and when he is as comfortable as any human being could be under the cirouustences, get Bruce to tell you the story of the games I believe thet is the only way you can ever get much out of Bruce on that Tiger-Jayhawk fiasco. Thank you for your good wishes. nt \ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache