Decenber 8, 193596 Ure Abe Denaburg, Alebema Basketball Officials, 0f/o Ydleehe, Birminghem, Alabama.e Dear Me Denaburgs I ask your pardon for the deley in responding to your letter of December 1. In answer to your first question, I would say that 4e2Z is not violating the three«second rule. It can only be cowrted with the ball is in possession, and a jump ball is never in possession of anybodye Per the second question I would say again that A~=2 is not violating the Shreco-second rules if you beve any further questions at any tine it will be a pleasure to hear frum yous With best wishes for a successful season, I an Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAll Varsity Basketball Coaches