Neverber By 1939. \ lx. Dudley teticenk. Le Directa@ of. Physical mination, San Jose State College, ‘Sen Jose, Califarnic. Dear Dud: I just went to tell ed sid hie pleased we ere with your kid brother, Burt. Ha 0 doing © fine job of it and winning many friends every day by his directness, his clerity of thought and his abi lity = get the job done ina most setisfactory manner in the shortest time posible. I knew that you would be ‘ inberested, end I want to say thet we are exceptionally well pleased with him ani his very charming wife. \ With kindest regerds, I ain Very sincerely yours, Director of Paysical Mdueetion and Recreation, FOA:AH ‘Ver sity er Coch,