Phog Allen ( Basketball Coach), of Kansas, Univers 8 City So Siseet oop & Pod rte f a ee — 2 “a : April 7, I940, Cumming, Ga. i we Star Route. - Phog gvren, University of Kansas, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Sir :- Kindly send me your full deesmiaiens of your instructions and prices on basket ball coaching. Sincerely, Fred E-Driskell | Your post card dated April 8th to Phog Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Kansas City,. Missouri, has been forwarded to me here at the University at Lawrence, Tansase = sos aatid’n nied tus een aehenett open te graduate students only, in the eight wels Sumer Session here at the (miversity this sumere To take this course it is necessary for an individual to have @ degrece However, I am conducting 2 short course at the University of Texas at Austin, August 12 to 17, after my work in the Sumer Session here is over. I presume that you #31 want @ short course, and I would suggest that you write to Director Ds Ks irace, of the University of Texms, at Austin, and he will tell you what the tuition is il : fai though T generelly do work with tone of than 16 you will write sm nave fully wna Gal) we eet you want I will be glad to give you what informtion I haves Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches. THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION RIVER CAMPUS AND HYGIENE-COLLEGE FOR MEN Mite Ce Lee Detter, PeireDetter Lumber Coe, Jubchinsoil, Kansase Dear Mre Detter: It was a pleasure indeed to arrange for Chis Wits wad Ges Dithens So wee One aun 4s Somes te, end wo do appreciate your loyal supporte i? we get through the Big Six next year, Miah te cmge's stwtagha, wi MATL teak peakity ete of ourselvese “Gut we will do the best wo cane With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, | _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA iH Varsity Basketball Coache Hutchinson, “Kansas April li, 1940. Mr. Forest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Fog Allen; Wr & Mrs D. J. Fair, Sr Mr & Mrs D. J. Fair, Jr Mr & Mrs W. M. Detter and Mrs Lee Detter join me in thanking you for the fine tickets that you secured for us in the Kansas City Auditorium for the National Basketball Tournament. Our party felt that they had the best Seats’. in the house and it was mighty fine of you to take care of us in such a fine way. In fast, we wish to give you a little advance notice that next year when the play-off comes and your team takes the final game in the Tournament, Which we predict that you will, we hope that you Gan furnish us with another block of tickets. Hoping that we may be able to be of some value to you in the future, we again wish to thank you. Yours truly, FAIR DETTER LUMBER CO. GC. Lee Detter. CLD; EGL Lawrence, Kansas March 28, 1940 Superintendent clifford De Doan, Lawrence Public Schools, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Superintendent Deans Thank you for your congragulations on _ our basketball seasone We wish to thank you for allowing the high school band to play at the games in Kansas City Friday nighte They made a wonderful con+_ tribution and we are very grateful to them and to yous Sincerely yours, Manager, NeCeAeAe Basketball Tournament. FCAam Lawrence Public Schools CLIFFORD D. DEAN, SUPERINTENDENT Lawrence, Ransas March 27, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen: I am writing to congratulate you on the success of your basketball team during this season and to express my personal appreciation to you for inviting our high school band to Kansas City for last Friday night's programe Jt was an honor greatly appreciated by the band members, their parents and others connected with our schoole The arrangements had been so carefully worked out that everything was perfect. The band people really had a wonderful’ time and saw two out= standing games of basketballe Your team helped to make the evening a success by winning their game. We are all pulling for you end your boys next Satur= day night and expect to be at the game to lend our vocal supporte Very cordially yours, B Qrea, Clifford D. Dean CDD:VW O.W. DAVIDSON,M.D. HURON BUILDING fo yoyo 4. De hex Pn dl. th nee” fog fpr cece ni ey Lawrence, Mansas March 20, 1940.4 Mite "Me He Davenport, Supervising Agent, Treasury Department, United States Secret Service, Kensas City, Missourie Dear Mire Davenport: | I aa very much interested in your letter of the — 14th instant, and T hope we can make arrangements for — the showing of your film to our groupe However, I would like to hold final deeision in abeyance for a day or two. I will get in touch with you in @® very short while, | With appreciation of your kind offer, I am Very sinosrely yours, Menager, NeCeAcle Basketball Tournanonts FCAsAI REFER TO FILE No. 11-71 TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE KANSAS CITY, Mo. OFFICE OF SUPERVISING AGENT DISTRICT No. 11 March 14, 1940 STATES OF MISSOURI, OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS, AND KANSAS Dr. F. C. Allen National Collegiate Athletic Association University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: The United States Secret Service has inaugurated a nation-wide educational campaign for the purpose of instructing the public in the detection of counterfeit currency. To accomplish this purpose, the United States Secret Service, in cooperation with local and State police organizations, has produced a sound motion picture based on the subject of "KNOW YOUR MONHY", which will be exhibited to any group throughout the nation without charge. Since your organization is scheduled to hold its convention here in Kansas City @noMarch 30, we would appreciate the opportunity of showing our "KNOW YOUR MONEY" film to the assembled group, at your convenience. The film is about 20 minutes long. An agent of this Service will be present with a local police officer, and after the film is shown, will devote as much time as you can spare to answering any questions regarding the work of this Service or on detect- ion of counterfeits. He will also exhibit specimens of counterfeit money to the group, and each person will be supplied with a "Know Your Money" pamphlet which outlines the proper procedure to be followed by any individual when a counterfeit is received, If a place can be found on your program, we shall be very glad to present our picture and in addition have one of our men devote as much more time as you can spare to the discussion. We realize that this is rather short notice, and if your program is too full, perhaps you would be willing to sched- ule us for a place on your next year's convention program. We shall be pleased to hear from you at an early date, Yours very truly, Supervising Agent jnk/3. 7 em terribly late in writing you, buzt as soon ae your wire came I immediately called Jurt end had him air mil you all the information possible. Doubtless you have kept up with the progress of things et Kensas SteteCollege, so wnt I say will perlmps heve en en ee vory suleniid eliletic ward at iaumas Stato, ; forte Thay haw before assunting the presidensy, vas chaiman of the athletic committee. “Before Presidint Jatine ws elevated to the chair of presidency, he wes cheirman of the athletic board at fansas State. Jartine, of course ‘you renanber, was secretary af agriculture umder President Hoover, and ‘then later was ambassador to Egypt. on yas ENTRY 8 aA, Deets sis 1s he hag, ‘Sanit ell Sias Renedtneh t Ceneliieny, eel grand gentleman and sporteman, is chaimuan of the athletic committee a cama Me Pe “Iifike" Ahearn, the dirccter of athietics, an all- roumd, versatile Massachusette Aggie athlete, has a sense of humor and fine administretive ability. le cam to Kancas Stete in 1904 as teach er in the Department of lortioulture. ikke started to conch there in 1906, having been taken from the faculty ecadenic list to start football eoachinge le conched all sports up witil 1922, when Guy Lowen who is ae ot een Se RANE AF TERS SteeRng Se Se ) basketball amd baseball coach emi athletic director, and Johny Bender, fornerly of Hebrasin fare, was mde football conch. A ensued im 1916 or 1917 between Bender and Lowam, much after the difficulties now talking place between Fry and Williemsone Soth men resigned, Bender ee ce Coteares Soe Se ae OS Saeeny SOS to Kansas Stetee Clevenger we athletic director at Tennessee, and Bender end Clevenger changed places. Lowsan went to ‘Esconsin and has been there ever since. : Shaisiiiadi deaiius oh dais hts Wate wii wa then accepted the directorship of athletics at the tmiversity of , Missourie like Ahearn took over the position of athletic director agein after Clevenger wert to Columbia. [ake hired Charlie Bachman as football and track coachs ne eee —a | ‘I will not go into more history af the case, only to say that Wim, with his colleagues, has been considered a good administra tor and an acndenicien, so ho has the added prestige of an academic was eee acadenie and athletic equilibrium. Last Priday night I wont down to Menhattan and had a | Seng Waekt with Hite, buh net seek Of Gee Vine wan Gren Slenne My primary purpose in going wes to seo Nebraska play Xensas State, but naturally itike and I are vory close friends and we discussed the sitmtion, but not as confi dertially as if we had had more time and had been to curselvese site te & culknhia, but Iinnsas is strony Protentent, end strongly Methodist and Presbyterian, Sachmen is not a Catholic, but a Protestant, but Do Newillan, who succeeded hin, is a Catholic. I do not mow the religion of either Pry or Millienson, but I do not — ee ee enter into the selection in any ways I trust this infommmti cn for the present wl) On rm the tmctegromd, | | fenwns State io fino school and 4s coning vory renidly in enrolinents They have about 4,000 now, and wo have 4,800. About — @ight years ago they had about 5,200, In my opinion, in ten years . Kansas State will owtreni: the University of Nensas, or at least reach her in enrollments ‘This is the history of all agricultural colleges, lc. CS CS ee and selentifioallye —_—e —e T an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduention and Recreation, FOAsAH ok ‘Vareity Dasiotball Conche CLASS OF SERVICE : 1201 E SYMBOLS 7] Bt oe is .a —_— DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- = up its de- NL=Nighte Letter erred character is in- =Defi | dicated by a suitable (5 se Sata chara symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. ~ R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. CS. WILLEVER ~ Ship Radiogram = PRESIDENT _ FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 : KAK22 29 NT=SANJOSE CALIF JAN 20 ioi0 JAN 21 AN OD. 36 — “ a q : ; i ATE PROBAB OPPORT eR ee Rey Wik WN THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCER]ING ITS SERVICE ! i SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE San Jose, California January 27, 1940 MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dre Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your informative and interesting letter of January 246 You probably think I had a great deal of “guts" in wiring you, as I dide However, I thought perhaps Burt could carry on, after you had given him whatever information and advise you might havee I have just dispatched a letter to Jack Gardner, the new Basketball Coach at Kansas State, who was formerly an associate of mine here in California (despite the fact that he is a U.S.C. graduated). I thought perhaps Jack might give me some inside, first-hand. information, which might answer the question as to whether an ap= plication should be filed at this timee Burt has written me a good letter, but it contained no information beyond that it has been carried in local paperse If you learned anything new on the situation, or if you think it would be wise to make application at this time, I should be happy to have Burt wire me collect. Again, with sincere thanks for taking time out from your busy life to assist me in this way, I am Sincerely yours, Pater, 4 Die Purbre, Director of Physical Education DSD/ald February 5, 1940. for — your high school basketball players to attend the Iowa State game, if you so desire. The tickets for the boys will be 40¢ for reserved seats, 25¢ for general edmissione I em sorry that it will be impossible to adait the boys at these prices to the Missouri gamte ih. Falken- Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache Waverly Public Schools Roland E. Gunn, Superintendent Waverly, Kansas January 25, 1940 Dr. FR, Ce Allen, Basketball Coach, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: IT have six senior basketball players that would like to see the University play and I have told them that I would try and help them get to see a game. ‘Yould you please send me the remainder of your season's schedule so we can try and work it in with ours. | Is there any game which you admit students of neighboring towns free or at a reduced price as you some- times do in football? If there is we would appreciate know- ing so we could try to attend. In reply to your letter of a few weeks ago in regard to the courses which you will offer during the coming Summer Session, I would prefer taking the course numbered 200 (Theory and Practice of Athletic Training). Thanking you in advance for helping me with this kindness, I remain, Respectfully yours, Nabter Jae MT Walter Dingus, Coach | “Dd & Koad: a ' Cdn wee SAN JOSE SiATe COLLEGE San Jose, California MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION February 25, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen: I owe you a note of apology, as well as a word of explanation, in asking your assistance on the Kansas State job, during the heighth of your basketball seasone Particularly, do I owe you such an apology when it later developed that I really wasn't seriously interested in the Kansas vacancye Following the Stanford decision, however, 1 did have several very good opportunities offered me, and before making up my mind, 1 thought it might be wise to look into the Kansas State vacancy, just in case it might be a good one. After a flying trip East, and a hurried conference with the President of Rochester University, however, I was so thoroughly sold on the opportunity there that I lost no time in accepting that positione I am leaving for my new post the first week in March, and will look forward to paying you and Burt a visit, on my return to the Coast, early in May. Trusting that you are having a good basketball season, and with kind personal regards to Mrs. Allen, your lovely family, and, incidentally, to that young brother of mine, whom I hope is behaving himself, I am Sincerely yours “ A. DUDLEY S. DeGROOT Director of Physical Education DsD/ala February 25, 1940. +S seein & wei OUI ii ne Katine ck nigel to you upon the acceptance of the head man job at the University of Rochester, but i never got around to writing ite . First, here's wishing you all the suecess in the world, SS ee ee it beeause you have the ability to impart not only tiie Imowledge but the enthusiasms in other words, I think you can breathe into the lungs of the physical education set-up the real breath of life, an 2 SENS SO Dene See ee ee cant to do do a wouderful jobs i want you to imow thet there me much interest in your candidacy at Kansas State. I believe that you could have gotten the job down there because Mike shearn calied me the next morning after I wrote the letter. Iwas in the dentist's chair down towe He We are still limping along with one foot in the grave as far as the Dig Six championship is concerned. Wie have a group of ok iauddhd Gikasmer de, aed took Wille Nendeg ck, ond Kemet ingedliggsens cri dgmendlganctny ee ee ae ae ee Sil Ge Gan Lchueeen onan wae me Ge of tae Gas au ae Oe is better than six fest tell =- 6-25. And in each of the other teans they tower from six feet soven to six feet nine at center, with two or three other big husides. Lote of good luck to you, Dude Simeerely yours, Director of Physical Education and —, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball penis February 28, 1940. Dis Ce %e Allon, Box 127, Noreatim, KAnsate Dear Dre Rililons . Tem wondering whet college you gradumted frome I do not believe that the University people here would give you ecademic credit for your pro- 120ehour college it would not be a difficult thing for you to get enough teaching credit so thet you could qualify as a. teacher, ; Write me all about your college background previous to your enrolling at Kirkevillee : Very sincerely yours, FOAsAH vee wee Or ee MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION SAN JOSE SIATE COLLEGE * San Jose, California February 29, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thanks for your kind letter of February 23. I'm right in the midst of cleaning up odds and ends preparatory to leaving for Rochester next weeke Plan to drive home via Lawrence, and will look forward with pleasure to a visit with you, at that time. With kindest personal regards, I am Mee Q ? DUD Se DeGROOT Director of Physical Education DSD/ald COR tn, yh tend ¥rom: Don Davis, President K.U.Club of Kansas City go: Phog Allen Subject: K.U.Reunion after Kansas-Indiana Basketball Game. ik a cial cee Sa A At the suggsetion cf Fred Elleworth, Alumni Seéretary, we have arranged for a K.U. reunion immediately after the basketball game Saturday night. Informal, of course! The place selected is the "ABOUT TOWN ROOM” HOTEL PHILLIPS We chose the "About Town Room" because it is convenient to the Auditorium ... it is abowt the right sixe for a chummy crowd ... and you scan get anything you want to eat or drink at reasonable prices. The Phillips is going te provide special K.U. music. Fred is contacting Pheg Allen to bring the basketball team te the reunion, after the Team Dinner which immediately follows the game. There will be no speeches; but plenty cf singing and cheering o.. | win or loge ... and we expect to win: | Nor will there be any admission charge! It's FREE ADMISSIO and all K.U. graduates, former students and their families oe _friends_ars welcome ! eee ee ~~ I am asking Claude Cochran, Margh i and Al Haas cf the | "Qharterback” organization which handled our football lunchesss a sucessfully, to organize a especial “Greeters’ Conni tise. Please pass the news around to your K.U. friends ... and we hope to see you after the ball game Saturday night: Very t ours, March 18, 1940. BE is $85 ite ey i riba i Ht i dull a sratnasdaly ae | ul jal Hy a ie i 5 i ‘H a ‘; fa 38 Cordially yours, | 2 H FCAsAH ' g MWESGCERRN ANION | KA7T45 8 SC=KANSASCITY: MO PHOG ALLEN=: : CARE FORUM WICHITA KANS= | AM VERY HAPPY HEARTY: CONGRATULATIONS GREAT VICTORY= JIM DECOURSEY.