7 em terribly late in writing you, buzt as soon ae your wire came I immediately called Jurt end had him air mil you all the information possible. Doubtless you have kept up with the progress of things et Kensas SteteCollege, so wnt I say will perlmps heve en en ee vory suleniid eliletic ward at iaumas Stato, ; forte Thay haw before assunting the presidensy, vas chaiman of the athletic committee. “Before Presidint Jatine ws elevated to the chair of presidency, he wes cheirman of the athletic board at fansas State. Jartine, of course ‘you renanber, was secretary af agriculture umder President Hoover, and ‘then later was ambassador to Egypt. on yas ENTRY 8 aA, Deets sis 1s he hag, ‘Sanit ell Sias Renedtneh t Ceneliieny, eel grand gentleman and sporteman, is chaimuan of the athletic committee a cama Me Pe “Iifike" Ahearn, the dirccter of athietics, an all- roumd, versatile Massachusette Aggie athlete, has a sense of humor and fine administretive ability. le cam to Kancas Stete in 1904 as teach er in the Department of lortioulture. ikke started to conch there in 1906, having been taken from the faculty ecadenic list to start football eoachinge le conched all sports up witil 1922, when Guy Lowen who is ae ot een Se RANE AF TERS SteeRng Se Se ) basketball amd baseball coach emi athletic director, and Johny Bender, fornerly of Hebrasin fare, was mde football conch. A ensued im 1916 or 1917 between Bender and Lowam, much after the difficulties now talking place between Fry and Williemsone Soth men resigned, Bender ee ce Coteares Soe Se ae OS Saeeny SOS to Kansas Stetee Clevenger we athletic director at Tennessee, and Bender end Clevenger changed places. Lowsan went to ‘Esconsin and has been there ever since. :