COR tn, yh tend ¥rom: Don Davis, President K.U.Club of Kansas City go: Phog Allen Subject: K.U.Reunion after Kansas-Indiana Basketball Game. ik a cial cee Sa A At the suggsetion cf Fred Elleworth, Alumni Seéretary, we have arranged for a K.U. reunion immediately after the basketball game Saturday night. Informal, of course! The place selected is the "ABOUT TOWN ROOM” HOTEL PHILLIPS We chose the "About Town Room" because it is convenient to the Auditorium ... it is abowt the right sixe for a chummy crowd ... and you scan get anything you want to eat or drink at reasonable prices. The Phillips is going te provide special K.U. music. Fred is contacting Pheg Allen to bring the basketball team te the reunion, after the Team Dinner which immediately follows the game. There will be no speeches; but plenty cf singing and cheering o.. | win or loge ... and we expect to win: | Nor will there be any admission charge! It's FREE ADMISSIO and all K.U. graduates, former students and their families oe _friends_ars welcome ! eee ee ~~ I am asking Claude Cochran, Margh i and Al Haas cf the | "Qharterback” organization which handled our football lunchesss a sucessfully, to organize a especial “Greeters’ Conni tise. Please pass the news around to your K.U. friends ... and we hope to see you after the ball game Saturday night: Very t ours,